Column 2 – 'Type' – in a Meta View Lavbel file

This column is used to support MARC's concept of a record format and/or record type.
The Type column should be set to '0', unless an 006, 007, or 008 is being described.

The possible codes that can be used in this column are listed below.

For the 006 and 008:

'0' - any record type
'1' - Bib format BKS
'2' - Bib Format CF 
'3' - Bib format MAP
'4' - Bib format MUS
'5' - Bib format SER
'6' - Bib format VID
'7' - Bib format MIX

For an 007:

'A' - Map	
'C' - Electronic Resource	
'D' - Globe	
'F' - Tactile Material	
'G' - Projected Graphic	
'H' - Microform	
'K' - Non-projected Graphic	
'M' - Motion Picture	
'O' - Kit	
'Q' - Notated Music	
'R' - Remote-sensing Image	
'S' - Sound Recording	
'T' - Text	
'V' - Videorecording	
'Z' - Unspecified	

For variable fields

The type column is ignored for variable fields; and therefore, column 2 can be used to force a sort order. Note this usage in the excerpt below, where an 'a' is has been added to the rows for subfield $6 and subfield $8 in the 020 tag. This will force these numeric subfields to appear at the end of any display:

020   0   %1   International Standard Book Number   First indicator:
020   0   %2   International Standard Book Number   Second indicator:
020   0   a    International Standard Book Number   International Standard Book Number
020   0   c    International Standard Book Number   Terms of availability
020   0   z    International Standard Book Number   Cancelled/invalid ISBN
020   a   6    International Standard Book Number   Linkage
020   a   8    International Standard Book Number   Field link and sequence number
obsolete/301/metaview_type.txt · Last modified: 2021/12/29 16:21 (external edit)
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