This screen contains some options that control how MARC data is displayed in MARC Report.
All of the options on this page can be changed while a record is being reviewed or edited. Some display options may require navigation to the next/previous record before they take effect.
If checked, which is the default, the MARC record will be sorted in tag order when viewing records in Record-by-Record mode, and when editing records in an Edit session.
In Record-by-Record mode, sorting has no effect on the underlying MARC file–only the display is sorted, not the file itself. But in an Edit Session, if this option is checked, all records that are to be saved (according to your Edit Session options) will be sorted in tag order.
NOTE: Records that are processed in Batch Mode, or by one of the utilities distributed with MARC Report, are never sorted, unless there is an explicit option to do so (as there is in MARC Global, and the Verify utility, for example).
If checked, this option inserts the tag's occurrence number after the Tag and before the First Indicator in the MARC record display. This option is disabled by default, since showing the occurrence number takes up a little extra space on the form. The occurrence number is also grayed out to make reading the other numeric columns (Tag, Indicators) easier.
If checked, the 245 (title) of the record being viewed will be displayed at the top of the Edit session window, after the program version.
If selected, this option pre-prends the offset of the fixed field element to its label (on the fixed field panel at the top). For example, an 008 would display these labels if this option is selected:
00/Date Entrd. 06/Date Type 07/Date 1 11/Date 2
and these if this option is not selected:
Date Entrd. Date Type Date 1 Date 2
If this option (added in 247) is selected, a few steps will be taken to increase the display of the fixed field panel:
- Label sizes are increased by 1 point
- The 'Record Type' caption at the bottom of the panel is removed
- The bottom splitter bar will automatically resize the height of the fixed panel as needed (the width, however, may need to be manually adjusted)
In addition, if the 'DISPLAY MARC POSITIONS' option is not selected, the size of the fixed labels will be increased by another 1 point.
This option doesn't take effect until you navigate to another record.
This option works well at a standard dekstop resolution, but probably does not help too much on a laptop with a cinematic widescreen ratio.
Select this option to add a blank space after the second indicator in text records. This option will apply to: Printing records (File|Print), Copying records to the clipboard (Edit|F8), opening the Text Editor (Text Mode|F10), and Exporting records to text (Export utility). When pressing F9 to import a record, the program will automatically determine whether there is a blank after the indicators (as it has always done); when using the Import from Text utility, you will have to select the 'Indicators are followed by a blank space' option.
When there is an url in MARC field, and you want to browse to it, there are now (as of version 246), two ways to do it.
1. Double-click on the field 2. Press <F12>, or select 'Go to Url' from the Edit menu
In either case, the field must be selected in order for the desired browsing action to take place.
About double-click
Double-clicking on an url is a common way of telling an application to browse to that url. This behavior is controlled by the DOUBLECLICK GOES TO URL option, enabled by default, on the Record Display page of the Options.
When double-clicking, the cursor must already be positioned in the field containing the url. For example, to browse to a link in an 856, one will first need to click on the 856 to select it, then double-click. (The reason for this is because the first click on a field is gobbled up by the edit implementation-the first click tells the program 'I want to do something with this field'. Only after that initial action will a subsequent action-whether it is double-clicking, or entering text-be recognized).
If there is no url in a field being double-clicked, the program will instead select all of the text in the field. When double-click browsing is disabled in the options, double-click will always select all of the text in the field.
This option allows you to change the character that will be used to display the MARC subfield delimiter in both onscreen views and reports. Since in MARC this character is a non-printing 'control' character (ASCII 029), it may be helpful to translate it to another character, especially if you are printing records. You can enter any character from your keyboard, or any ASCII character code in the range 033-255. The default in MARC Report is '$' (ASCII 034).
NOTE: This option controls only the character that is displayed; MARC records will always be saved with the MARC delimiter value (ASCII 029).
This option is set to '0' by default, which means that the 'Next' record button (the right arrow at the bottom of the screen) is the default action whenever a new MARC record is displayed (in an Edit Session, or in Record by Record mode).
If a tag is entered into this box, however, then the program will position the cursor on the first occurrence of this tag and set focus on it. This means that your next keystroke will begin navigatation in the MARC record (so if you press <Tab> then the cursor will move to the next MARC 'column'). If the tag entered is not found, then the first tag that is greater than the 'Cursor To' tag will be focused instead.
This option may be useful when you are editing a batch of records and always want to start working on the same tag; or, it may also help if you prefer to navigate using the keyboard without first using the mouse to position the cursor in the MARC display.
MARC Help, invoked by pressing F1 in MARC Report, is designed to give the cataloger a quick overview of the coding for the field in question. MARC Help is essentially a tabular version, without examples, of the 'concise' MARC documentation available on the Library of Congress website; it is updated whenever MARC21 changes are posted by LC, which is generally with each new version of the program.
However, more detailed documentation, including many examples, is available from our MARC Help window by using the 'LC', 'OCLC', and 'RDA' buttons that appear at the bottom of the Help popup. These buttons initiate context-senstive links. Thus, if you invoke MARC Help while the cursor is on the 245 field, the links invoked by the 'LC', 'OCLC', and 'RDA' buttons will all take you to the 245 field documentation on the corresponding website.
This option is selected by default. When this option is checked, pressing the <F1> key while validating or editing a MARC record will display MARC documentation about the field currently under the cursor.
When editing, and a field in a record is too large to be displayed in its entirety (for example, a long 505), the default behavior is to pop-up the field in a cell hint when the mouse is moved over it. Although this pop-up only lasts a second or two, it might be distracting, and hence this option which disables the pop-up behavior.
If selected (the default), this option will display a rotating sequence of program hints in the Notes window (on the bottom right) when you are editing or viewing records in MARC Report. Uncheck this option to stop the display of these hints.
Alternately, you can customize these hints for your own usage. These hints are stored in a plain-text file called 'NoteTips.txt' located in the program's 'Help' folder.
Use a Text Editor like NOTEPAD to edit the file and follows these simple rules:
1. Empty lines, or lines that begin with a blank space or tab, will be ignored. 2. Each hint must consist on a single line (to turn off Line Wrap to make this easier to see). 3. Each hint must contain no more than 350 characters (as there is no scroll bar in the Notes window). 4. You can enter up to 20 'Note tips'.
You can edit this file any time, but you will need to restart the program for changes to be recognized. If you want to restore this file to its default, copy it from the 'default' folder in the program's 'options' directory.
Pasting clipboard data into a MARC record is problematic. MARC21 supports two encodings: MARC-8 and UTF-8. In Windows, data copied to the clipboard will often use another encoding (typically, Windows-1252, or UTF-16). When the copied data is pasted into MARC, it's going to create errors in any software that pays attention to the encoding expected in the MARC record (regardless of the leader 09 value).
The option to 're-encode clipboard pastes' is a somewhat experimental attempt to work around this problem. If the program detects that Windows-1252 encoded data is being pasted into a record, it will re-encode that pasted data as UTF-8.
To help you decide whether this function will work correctly in your environment, a test is provided: the first time the option is enabled the program will prompt you to 'run an encoding test'. The program will then generate a MARCXML record and put it on the desktop; open that record in your browser or Windows Notepad (not in MARC Report!) and check to see that the Unicode characters that display match their corresponding descriptions. If they do, then this option may work for you. If they do not, or if you are in doubt, do not enable this option.
In version 255, the re-encoding that occurs only supports the (128) most common Unicode characters. To see which characters are supported, open the file named 're-encoding-map.txt' located in the 'Options' folder.
Note: This option will only be active when leader 09 of a record is set to 'a'.
This option display the currently activated Font Name and Font Size, followed by an example of a MARC title field displayed using the Current Font.
This option allows you to setup a different font that the program will use when printing a record and/or the accompanying cataloging error messages.
Click this button to set the display font used by MARC Report. The default Display Font is 'Terminal 9 pt.' If the Font you select cannot completely display the example title field, then that font will not be suitable for use with MARC Report.
We recommend that you choose a 'fixed pitch' font like the default, or a Courier font, when working with MARC coding. If you need to be able to differentiate betwween the number zero, and an uppercase letter o, use the 'Fixed Sys' font.
Note: Some font Styles and Sizes may not be available in MARC Report.
The 'MARC View' of MARC Report displays diacritics using the default system code page, and this is unlikely to display diacritics in a recognizable manner. To view diacritics, use the 'XML View' of the program.
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