The Saved Review Manager in version 2.35

In the past, the saved reviews in MARC Review and MARC Global have always been stored in a single table, unlike the many options in MARC Report that allow the user to derive their own 'set' from the default table.

We wanted to add this type of functionality to the saved reviews, but until the current version, it was not possible without major changes to the structure of the underlying saved review record–and this latter condition was not feasible.

In the current version, the underlying component used for the storage and display of tabular data has been updated, and this update has made many changes possible that would have otherwise required a lot of complex coding on our part.

On the surface, apart from the new Review Group field, the Saved Review Manager in version 235 will look similar to earlier versions:

Clicking on the column name will (still) sort the fields by that column, and you can (still) arrange the order of the columns by dragging and dropping the column headers into place.

What's different

Clicking the multi-line display box at the bottom of the form will wrap the text within each column, making narrower columns possible while still seeing all the text:

The Delete Review button at the bottom of the form also makes it much easier to delete a saved review–simply click anywhere on the review, and then click the Delete button. You no longer have to remember to press <Ctrl>+<Delete> (which still works).

Also, if you select a saved review in the Autoview panel, the caption on the Delete button will change from 'Delete Review' to 'Remove Review'; and if you then click the 'Remove' button, the review will be removed from the Autoreview.

Dragging and dropping

In the past, when a savedreview was dragged to the autoreview panel, the new review would always be added to the top of the autoreview list, and it would then need to be dragged into the order that you wanted it to be executed in. There were also problems dragging and dropping reviews within the Autoreview panel, especially when the number of reviews was too large to completely fit within the screen display.

In 235, you can drag savedreviews to exactly the place in the autoreview that you want them to be; you will not need a second drag and drop. Also, there is no longer a problem with large lists–simply pull the review you are dragging to the top of the list, and the autoreview table will automatically scroll upward with your mouse action.

Filter builder

If you have many hundreds of reviews, as some do, customization of the display becomes an important aspect of managing your data. If you have read the 'Review Group' page, you will see how using 'Groups' can help you manage this data.

Another way to do this is to use the 'Customize' button on the bottom of the form.