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Link to another Entity record

How to link to another entity record: Quick Steps

In the record to which you wish to add a link to a related record:

  • Right-click on the appropriate RIMMF Identifier (RID) text box
  • -Hover over “Link to” to choose an existing record you can link to; or
  • Choose an appropriate “Create new …” option
    • Choose a template and click <OK>
  • Enter the appropriate data elements for the new record

How to link to another entity record: Detailed Steps

To link from a relationship element in one record to a related record:

  • Right-click on the appropriate Identifier text box

  • Hover over “Link to” to see whether there is already a record you can link to

  • If there is a record you can link to, click on the name, and the RID for the linked record will be inserted in the text box

  • If the name you seek is not in the list:
    • Choose an appropriate “Create new …” option

  • Choose a template and click <OK>

  • The RID for the newly created linked record is inserted in the text box of the original record.
  • And, if the link is a two-way link, the RID for the original record is inserted in the appropriate text box in the newly created record.
  • Enter the appropriate data elements for the new record

Links between FRBR Entity Groups are one way (from WEMI to PFC or COEP); so the RID from PFC or COEP records will be placed in WEMI records; but WEMI RIDs will not be placed in PFC or COEP records.

Links within FRBR Entity Groups are two way (between WEMI; between PFC; between COEP); so, e.g., the RID for a Work entity record will be placed in an Expression entity record at the same time that the RID for the Expression entity record will be placed in the Work entity record.

howto/linktorecord.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/07 20:39 by
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