
In MARC Report, this file is located in the installation folder.

C3	C2A900	Copyright sign 
C2	E28497	Phonogram recording copyright

E2	CC8100	Acute accent
AE	CABC00	Alif
B0	CABB00	Ayn
E6	CC8600	Breve
B9	C2A300	British pound sign 
EF	CC9000	Candrabindu
F0	CCA700	Cedilla
EA	CC8A00	Circle above (Angstrom)
F4	CCA500	Circle below character
E3	CC8200	Circumflex accent
C3	C2A900	Copyright sign 
B3	C49100	D with crossbar, lowercase
A3	C49000	D with crossbar, uppercase
C0	C2B000	Degree sign 
B5	C3A600	Digraph ae, lowercase
A5	C38600	Digraph AE, uppercase
B6	C59300	Digraph oe, lowercase
A6	C59200	Digraph OE, uppercase
E7	CC8700	Dot above character
F2	CCA300	Dot below character
EE	CC8B00	Double acute accent 
F3	CCA400	Double dot below character
FA	CDA000	Double tilde, first half 
FB	CDA000	Double tilde, second half
F5	CCB300	Double underscore
C7	C39F00	Eszett sumbol
BA	C3B000	Eth (Icelandic) 
C8	E282AC	Euro sign
C6	C2A100	Exclamation mark, inverted 
E1	CC8000	Grave accent
E9	CC8C00	Hacek (Caron)
F9	CCAE00	Half circle below (Upadhmaniya)
B7	CABA00	Hard sign (double prime)
FE	CC9300	High comma, centered
ED	CC9500	High comma, off center
B4	C3BE00	Icelandic thorn, lowercase
A4	C39E00	Icelandic thorn, uppercase
F7	CCA600	Left hook (Comma below)
EB	CDA100	Ligature, first (left) half
EC	CDA100	Ligature, second (right) half
E0	CC8900	Low rising tone mark
E5	CC8400	Macron
A8	C2B700	Middle dot
A9	E299AD	Musical flat sign 
C4	E299AF	Musical sharp sign 
BC	C6A100	O-Hook, lowercase
AC	C6A000	O-Hook, uppercase
AA	C2AE00	Patent mark / Registered sign 
C2	E28497	Phonogram recording copyright
AB	C2B100	Plus or minus sign 
B1	C58200	Polish l, lowercase
A1	C58100	Polish L, uppercase
C5	C2BF00	Question mark, inverted 
F8	CC9C00	Right cedilla
F1	CCA800	Right hook (Ogonek)
B2	C3B800	Scandinavian o, lowercase
A2	C39800	Scandinavian O, uppercase
C1	E28493	Script small l 
A7	CAB900	Soft sign (prime)
E4	CC8300	Tilde
B8	C4B100	Turkish i, lowercase
BD	C6B000	U-Hook, lowercase
AD	C6AF00	U-Hook, uppercase
E8	CC8800	Umlaut (Diaeresis)
F6	CCB200	Underscore
help/m8keycodes.txt · Last modified: 2021/12/29 16:21 (external edit)
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