Matching Elements (All)

For the matching tables, jump to Matching

For editing instructions, jump to Editing

Matching WORK Elements


Matching EXPRESSION Elements


Matching MANIFESTATION Elements


Matching ITEM Elements


Matching MARC Elements

M: 000/17 (ELvL)

RDA Elements: None


Watch out:

  • If ELvl is ‘8’, and/or 263 is present, and/or 300 contains “pages cm”, or “p. cm.” then the record is 'CIP', or is still partially CIP:
    • if the LCCN (010) or another national bibliography number (015) matches what is on the resource, and the record seems at all possible as a match, then be more forgiving of differences in transcribed data (because anything can change between when the pre-pub information was provided and when the resource was actually published).
  • If ELvl is '3' or 'M' and 300 is missing or abbreviated, then record is 'Level 3' (Pre-Pub) :
    • if the ISBN matches what is on the resource, and the record seems at all possible as a match, then be more forgiving of differences in transcribed data (because anything can change between when the pre-pub information was provided and when the resource was actually published).
  • If ELvl is not 'CIP' or 'Level 3', then go through all of the rest of the Matching Table very carefully.

MARC: 000/17 (Encoding Level)

000/17: Editing

M: 040b

RDA Elements: None


Not OK if: The code for the Language of cataloging is not the language of your catalog, clone a new, parallel record in the language of your catalog

  • eng = English (also English if no 040$b)

MARC: 040b(Language of cataloging)

Essential Editing (Full)

M: 040e

RDA Elements: None


OK if:

  • 040 $e rda is present; that means RDA cataloging instructions were followed when creating this record, so all elements should be compliant with RDA thinking
  • 040 $e aacr is present or if no $e is present; that means AACR cataloging rules, or even older cataloging rules were followed when creating this record, so you may need to invoke the 'older cataloging rules' exceptions for some elements

MARC: 040e (Description conventions)


M: 245h


  • Ignore GMD for matching, but it is a quick indication of a possible problem, so skip to:
  • Then, if those elements match, you can return to the 245 and continue matching the rest of the elements, but if they don't, you need a new record

MARC: 245h (General material designation)

M: 260

Not used under RDA; see:

MARC: 260 (Publication, Distribution, etc.)

M: 440

Obsolete, see: Title Proper of Series

MARC: 4XX (Series Statement/Added Entry-Title)

cram3/match/all.txt · Last modified: 2021/12/30 17:42 (external edit)
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