The “Title list view” in a MARC Report Edit session is designed to display a brief overview of all the records in the file in a tabular format.

NOTE: If you do not see a tab labelled “Title List view” on the left side of your Edit Session window, open the main Options, select the page for “Views”, and select “Title list” from the Active Views box.

When the Title list view is first visited it will contain an empty form. Press the “Create” button at the bottom to generate the data for the view. If you are working on a large file, a progress bar will pop up while the data is being collected. The size limit for titlelist generation is about 50,000 records. If you need a title listing for a file that is larger than that, use the MARC Review utility.

By default, the title list view contains a table with the following rows:

  RSN: Record sequence number
  001: Control number (the contents of Tag 001)
  245: Title (the contents of Tag 245, subfields $a $h $n $p $b)
  264: Publication info (the contents of Tag 264, subfields $a, $b, $c)
  300: Extent (the contents of Tag 300, subfields $a, $b, $c)

There will be one row for each record in the file. Note in older versions of the program, the publication info row would have used Tag 260 instead of Tag 264. (You can change that using the steps described in the next section).

Data cannot be edited in a Title list view–it is designed to present an overview of the current MARC file, and as a tool for navigation.


Any of the columns above, except for RSN, can be customized by pressing the “Define” button. This will open a form where you can customize the MARC fields used to generate the title list. Each row of the “title list definition” form defines a column in the resulting title list.

To add a new row, click “+” To delete a row, click “-” To edit a row, click in any cell cell and type To change the order of the rows, drag and drop.

There is no limit on the number of rows you can add, but keep in mind too many rows might result in a view with too many columns and which is hard to work with.

There are a few options available at the bottom of the form. These options apply to EVERY row in the definition.

Display indicators–if checked, variable field data begins with Ind1 and Ind2. Display delimiters–if checked, variable field data includes MARC subfield codes.

MARC Example

245 14 $aThe boatmaker :$ba novel /$cby John Smith.

If neither option checked: The boatmaker :a novel If display indicators is on: 14The boatmaker :a novel If display subfields is on: $aThe boatmaker :$ba novel If both options are on: 14$aThe boatmaker :$ba novel

The last option handles occurrences in repeating tags (like 020, 650, 700, etc.).

Repeating tags/First only–if a field repeats, only the first occurrence will be shown Repeating tags/Concatenate–if a field repeats, all occurrences will be concatenated together and displayed as a single column.

When you are finished creating a title list definition, press “Save”. The saved definition will become the definition that is used each time the program starts. Press “Default” to restore the title list definition described above.


Pressing the “Create” button will generate a title list using the current definition (See “Define”, above, for instructions on customizing a definition).

Each column will be displayed in the order that it was defined, and with a width that is proportional to the “width” column of the definition. But if more than 3 or 4 columns are defined, then its likely some columns will be off the right side of the view; to see these columns, maximize the window, use the horizontal scrollbar at the bottom, and/or manually resize the columns (drag your mouse over the column headers until the resize icon appears).

You can also change the order of the columns manually by dragging and dropping the respective column headers.

To remove a column from the view, grab the column header and drag and drop it outside of the window. To restore a column, press “Create” again to re-generate the original list.

To sort the view on any column, click the column header; click it again to reverse the sort.

To sort on two columns, follow the above step to sort on the primary column, then hold down the Shift key and click on a second column header, etc.

Whenever the “Create” button is pressed, a text copy of the view is generated, and a link to that textfile is added to the 'Reports' section of the main menu. The naming convention used is: “TitleList-” followed by the current session ID.


The location of this textfile is system-dependent. In addition, it does not persist indefinitely–if you want to be sure it remains available, go to the “Reports” menu, open 'TitleList', and use 'Save as …' to copy it to a more accessible location.

The 'TitleList' files are simple tab-delimited textfiles and can be loaded into programs like Excel. The first column is always the record RSN; the remaining columns are whatever was setup in the Title list definition form.

Because the title list is created as a report, it does not reflect edits made to the defined fields. If you want the view to update, you must save the whole session and start a new one with a new title list.

See the “Options” section at the end for more report possibilities.


Click on a row in the Title list view to select it.

When you select a row in the Title list view, the other views (MARC View, Text View, Xml View, etc.) immediately navigate to the selected record.

To select multiple rows use the same keystrokes as you would in any Windows list:

  1. to pick out individual rows, hold down <Ctrl> then click each row
  2. to select consecutive rows, click on the first row, hold down <Shift> and click on the last row

When you select multiple rows in the Title list view, the other views (MARC View, Text View, Xml View, etc.) will navigate to the last record in the selection.


Unlike “Selecting” (above), Filtering physically removes rows from the view.

To set a filter on a column, hover the mouse over the column header and click on the (very small) filter icon that appears in the top right. A list of unique strings present in the column will appear. Check the strings that you want to include.

Note that filtering does not “select” records.

Alternately, when the list of strings appears, click '(Custom …)' at the top of the list to open the 'Filter builder' dialog.

Here you can construct patterns to match the strings in the column:

When you press 'OK' on the Filter builder form, the filter pattern will display in a special panel at the top of the view, and any row that does not match your filter criteria will be removed from the view. Click the red [x] (top left) on the Filter information panel to delete the filter (restores all rows to the view). Click the checkbox (next to the red [x]) to restore all rows to the view without deleting the filter criteria–this option keeps the filter intact; re-selecting the checkbox will re-apply the filter, and you can still make changes to the filter by pressing the 'Customize' button on the top right:


The title list view is not only a summary of the current MARC file; you can also use this view to navigate through the file in the other views of the Edit session.

At the bottom of the Title list view are two 'Apply' check buttons: 'Apply filter' and 'Apply selection'.

When you press 'Apply selection', only the records that are selected will be navigable in the Edit session.

When you press 'Apply filter', only the records that are selected by the filter will be navigable in the Edit session.


Create a title list, then click on any row but the first. Click on the 'MARC' view tab. The view will display the MARC record corresponding to the title list row that was clicked on. Still in the MARC view, press a navigation button at the bottom–notice that navigation resumes normally from the clicked-on record.

Now go back to the Title list view and press 'Apply selection'. Return to the MARC view and press the forward or backward navigation button. A message will pop up saying that no more records are available in that direction–this is because only one record–the one that you originally clicked on–is selected, and this selection has been “applied” to the Edit session.

Finally, from the main menu, select 'Filters|Title list filter|Clear' (or press Ctrl-Alt-L). Still in the MARC view, again press a navigation button at the bottom–notice that navigation now resumes normally from the selected record.

Another way to clear a selection or a filter is simply to return to the Title List view and uncheck the checkbox in the corresponding “Apply” button.


Its important to note that applying either a selection or a filter has no effect on the Edit session's MARC file–all of the records in the file remain in the file even when you cannot navigate to them.

To reassure yourself of this, practise the example above: select/filter records, apply the selection/filter, switch to MARC view, navigate through the available records, then clear the filter: all records in the file will again be navigable.

Technically, when 'Apply selection' is pressed, the program creates a custom filter based on the selected records and applies it to Edit session navigation. For this reason, when a selection is 'applied', some of the program prompts may refer to it as a 'filter'.

It is not possible to apply both a selection and a filter at the same time.

In some instances, the current row in the Title list may not match the current record in the main view. For best results, 'Create' the Title list at the beginning of the session. For example, if a title list is created after records have been deleted in the main view, it will not correctly navigate around the rows representing the deleted records.


The options button contains a dropdown list where you can change the font of the view, change whether long columns wrap into multiple lines, and clear the view, or clear any filters that you have set.

In addition, there are two options that allow you to save the current view to a text file. The text file format is tab-delimited, and will be readable by programs that support data tables, like Excel.

The first 'Save as …' item will save all of the rows in the current view. The second 'Save as …' item saves only the rows in the view that are currently selected.

Regardless of which 'Save as …' item is selected: 1. If you have used the filter builder to exclude rows from the view, then these rows will not be included in the saved text. 2. If you have removed columns from the view, and/or changed the order of the columns, both of these changes will be applied to the saved text.

If you simply need a text report of the title list view after the 'Create' button is pressed, go to the 'Reports' item in the main menu, and look for an item named “TitleList-…”