This is the last screen in the MARC Review process.

The main area on this screen contains statistics regarding the results of the job.


Click this button to add the current Review to a database of Saved Reviews. Once you have saved a review, you can easily run it again in the future (by clicking Load on the start-up screen).

When you save a review, there are several possible options that may come up if the review you are saving already exists.

1. Saving a Review that is the same as another

If for some reason you try to save a review that has the same parameters as another review in your saved reviews database, you will be prompted about this so that you can avoid needless duplication. However, you will be given the option to 'Change the review description', and thus save the review under a different name. If you decline this option, then the current review will not be saved (but the one that is exactly the same as the current review will remain unchanged).

Note: the program does not use any of the output options to determine duplicates; in MARC Review, only the pattern parameters are used when testing for duplicates; whereas in MARC Global, the patterns, type of global change, and global change options are used to test for duplicates.

2. Saving a 'Load'ed review

If you start MARC Review and load a review from your saved reviews database, and make a change to one of the pattern parameters, and later try to save it, you will be prompted to overwrite the existing review. If you select 'Yes', the review that you started with will be overwritten with the current parameters; if you say 'No', you will enter the normal dialog for saving a review.

3. Saving a Review that has the same name as another

If, when you save a review, the program finds another review with the same name, you will be given the option to a) overwrite the review with the same name, b) cancel, and edit the name of the review you are trying to save, c) cancel, and discard the review you are trying to save.

Note: The 'Name' field is somewhat important as it is used as a secondary identifier for each saved review.


These options determine what you want the program to do next. Depending on the results of the run, these options will be slightly different.

If you opted to output tags or records to text, the option 'Open results in Notepad' will be available. Select this option, then press the 'Next' button at the bottom on the right.

If your Review created MARC files, you can open the resulting MARC file back in MARC Report (in either Edit, or Record-by-Record mode). For example, if your Review saved matching records to a MARC file, and you want to edit these records, select 'Edit results in MARC Report' and click 'Next'. The program will then close MARC Review, and load the results file into an Edit Session.

NOTE: If you have created two MARC files by using the 'Split' option, only the file of matching records can be 'continued' with in MARC Report as described above. If you want to load a file of non-matching records, click Done to exit MARC Review, then select the file using the MARC Report menu.

The 'Go Back' button is useful if you want to change one parameter in a Review without completely starting from scratch. This button goes backward through all of the screens where you can make changes and then re-run the Review.

If you want to jump back to the first screen in MARC Review, click 'Start Over'.

If you want to change your default options, click 'Options'.

If you just want to exit MARC Review, click the 'Done' button.