Saving MARC Report customizations

If you are trying to repair a bad installation, or just want to backup your options, follow the instructions on this page.

By 'customization', we refer to creating or using a non-default for set for any of the following:

and/or creating:

Anything else that you have changed will easily be setup again by opening the program options and clicking the appropriate checkboxes.

In all versions of MARC Report, user-customizable options are saved to the 'Options' folder, which is located in your 'My Documents\MarcReport\' folder1)

If your are not sure about the location of this Options folder, start MARC Report, and select the 'Tech Support Info' option under the Help menu. Find the line that begins 'Options folder'–this is the folder that the program is using for your customizable options.

Simply find your 'Options' folder and copy it to a safe place before you begin the re-installation steps.


Never copy the file called marcreport.ini from one computer to another.
This will almost certainly create an unworkable installation.


The installer for MARC Report (whether upgrading or new installation) will not overwrite any user data in the 'Options' folder.

This page does not apply to options in the shared sets folder (if you have implemented shared sets).

If you are customizing any of the text tables that are distributed with the program in the program folder (codelist.txt, country.txt, geogcode.txt, keycodes.txt, language.txt, relator.txt), back up these files on a regular basis, as the installer will overwrite them without asking.

if your version of MARC Report is very old, this options folder will be found in the program folder, which by default is 'C:\Program Files\TMQ\MARC Report\'