Table of Contents

Matching Elements (All)

For the matching tables, jump to Matching

For editing instructions, jump to Editing

Matching WORK Elements


Matching EXPRESSION Elements


Matching MANIFESTATION Elements


Matching ITEM Elements


Matching MARC Elements

M: 000/17 (ELvL)

RDA Elements: None


Watch out:

MARC: 000/17 (Encoding Level)

000/17: Editing

M: 040b

RDA Elements: None


Not OK if: The code for the Language of cataloging is not the language of your catalog, clone a new, parallel record in the language of your catalog

MARC: 040b(Language of cataloging)

Essential Editing (Full)

M: 040e

RDA Elements: None


OK if:

MARC: 040e (Description conventions)


M: 245h


MARC: 245h (General material designation)

M: 260

Not used under RDA; see:

MARC: 260 (Publication, Distribution, etc.)

M: 440

Obsolete, see: Title Proper of Series

MARC: 4XX (Series Statement/Added Entry-Title)