MARC Review: New option to Include Description

An option called 'Prepend review description to results' has been added to MARC Review. If this option is selected (by default, it is not) a brief header will be added to the top of all text output files created by MARC Review.

The header includes the name of the MARC source file, and a brief description of the patterns and output options. For example (an excerpt from a 'mreview.txt' file):

MARC Source filename: D:\MARC\LD101-0901.WIE.mrc
Review Description: AND 245==±b [Case=Y] , NOWHERE 246 X1, Display: 2XX

[Record Number 2593]
240 10$aSombrero de tres picos.$kSelections
245 13$aEl sombrero de tres picos =$bLe tricorne = The three-cornered hat :
  ballet : Scenes and dances from Part I /$cManuel de Falla.
260   $aLondon :$bJ. & W. Chester,$c[c1942]

[Record Number 3052]
240 10$aWeite Land.$lEnglish
245 10$aUndiscovered country =$bDas weite Land /$cby Arthur Schnitzler ; in an 
  English version by Tom Stoppard.
260   $aLondon ;$aBoston :$bFaber and Faber,$c1980.

Hint: If you use MARC Review primarily for research, you may find this information useful (especially down the road, if you are looking at a results file and wondering how it was produced); but if you use MARC Review to generate reports, then you may not want this header information at the top of the file.

Note: You can always view a history of your MARC Review runs by clicking on the 'mrActionLog' caption on the bottom right statusbar (screenshot below)–this action will pop up a summary log of all of your MARC Review runs; the new option simply adds some of this information to the 'mreview.txt' file also.