Installing or Updating MARC Report

This page describes installing the program, including updates.

If you are reinstalling to fix a problem, please follow these steps.
If you are updating the portable version, please follow these steps.


  • Beginning with version 258, the steps are essentially the same whether installing or updating the program.
  • MARC Report versions updates are cumulative. Each update is a complete copy of the most recent version of the program1).
  • All MARC Report updates also update MARC Global (if applicable).
  • If you do not have Admin privileges on your computer, you will not be able to install or update the program.

Download the program

There are two ways to do this.

If you already have MARC Report, start the program, and under the Help menu, select the option called 'MARC Report Update'.
The server should display a page that tells you whether an update is available, and (if so), provide the link to download the program.

If you do not already have MARC Report, follow the steps here: Download MARC Report

When you click on the 'Download' button, a message similar to one of the following will pop up, depending on your browser.


Regardless of the message, it is recommended that you select the Save option and not the Run option, if one appears.
If you select Run, Windows may not be able to validate the digital certificate of the file–which protects your computer from unknown software.

Where to save the file to be downloaded? Wherever you will be able to find it again!

Installing MARC Report

If you do not have Admin privileges on your computer, you will not be able to install the program.
Logout and login as a user with Admin privileges, or find someone to do this for you.

Next, find the downloaded file and double-click on it to run the installer.

Proceed only if Windows UAC displays “Verified publisher: Richard John Fritz”

The installation will now begin.

After a “Welcome” page, the MARC Report License Agreement will display. You must accept it in order to proceed.

During installation, you will be prompted for a destination location, as follows:

For best results, accept the default location.

Note: if you have already installed the program (i.e., you are updating), the installer should be able to find the installation folder user previously and supply it in the above prompt.

Windows x64 note:

When installing on the Windows x64 platform, the default installation folder should be the same folder as above:

C:\Program Files (x86)\TMQ\MARC Report

Do not try to force the program to install in “C:\Program Files\TMQ\MARC Report” on the x64 platform–the program will not function correctly.

As the installer runs, a couple of additional prompts might pop-up:

  • If the program is running, you will be prompted to close it. Exit the installer, close MARC Report, then start the installation again.
  • If the installer cannot find/access the installation folder for MARC Report, a message will pop-up; if this happens, contact your IT for assistance.

Once all of the prompts in the installer have been responded to, installation should not take more than a minute.

When the installation is complete:

  • If you had to login as an Admin user above to install the program, logout, then login as the user that will use the program.
  • Start the program as the user that will use the program–this step is required to finalize the installation by adding any new options, images, etc., that have changed in the new version


If you are installing the program for multiple users, and/or are using an automated package to install the program, you may find this list of command-line switches useful.

This means that you can jump from version 235 to version 245 in one update–you do not have to install each version in-between
help/help_with_installation.txt · Last modified: 2022/01/06 19:51 by Rick
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