Changes Appendix I 20160405

Added terms

Added new term: editorial director
Relates a work to a person, family, or corporate body having legal and/or intellectual responsibility (other than creation) for the content of a serial, integrating resource, or multipart monographic work.

Added new term: founder of work
Relates a work to a person, family, or corporate body responsible for establishing a serial, integrating resource, or multipart monograph.

Updated terms

Updated definition for: editor
Relates an expression to a person, family, or corporate body contributing to an expression of a work by revising or clarifying the content, or by selecting and putting together works, or parts of works, by one or more creators.

Updated definition for: organizer
Relates a work to a person, family, or corporate body organizing the exhibit, event, conference, course, program, etc., which gave rise to a work.

Updated definition for: teacher
Relates a person to a person who instructs the other person.

clogs/changes-appendix-i-20160405.txt · Last modified: 2021/12/29 16:21 (external edit)
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