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240:ccs_changes [2021/12/29 16:21] (current)
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 +====== MARC Report 240: Cataloging Check Changes ======
 +This page is produced by an automated comparison of the current cataloging checks (240) with those of the previous version (239). The changes within each section are given in order of the TMQ Message Id for the check.
 +Message strings have been normalized to prevent slight differences in spacing, punctuation, etc., from being considered a change; but there has been no attempt to otherwise edit this 
 +Message Ids for each change listed below are available as comments in the markup; you may access this data by viewing or downloading the source of this page.
 +=====Added checks=====
 +<!-- Id=20000050--> **%t: Check literal '$'** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +The %t field contains a '$' before a typical MARC subfield ('$' is often used for the MARC subfield delimiter in text-based data entry). Unless this is a typographical exception (i.e., a title containg a expressive spelling of a financial term, e.g. 'co$t', '$ale', '$uccess', etc.), then replace the '$' with the MARC subfield delimiter, which in MARC Report is done with <Ctrl>D
 +<!-- Id=20000051--> **%t: Unmatched bracket in subf $%p** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only) </html>\\
 +Subfield $%p contains an opening square bracket without a matching closing bracket; under RDA we are to bracket data in each subfield separately. Add a closing square bracket to this subfield; if applicable, enclose data in square brackets separately in each subfield. 
 +<!-- Id=20000052--> **%t: Unmatched bracket in subf $%p** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only) </html>\\
 +Subfield $%p contains a closing square bracket without a matching opening bracket; under RDA we are to bracket data in each subfield separately. Add an opening square bracket to this subfield; if applicable, enclose data in square brackets separately in each subfield. 
 +<!-- Id=20000053--> **%t: Closing bracket missing?** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR Only) </html>\\
 +%t contains an unmatched opening square bracket. Add the missing closing bracket, or delete the extra opening bracket, as appropriate. (This message may be erroneous if referring to a field containing foreign script in right-to-left reading order.)
 +<!-- Id=20000054--> **%t: Opening bracket missing?** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR Only) </html>\\
 +%t contains an unmatched closing square bracket. Add the missing opening bracket, or delete the missing closing bracket, as appropriate. (This message may be erroneous if referring to a field containing foreign script in right-to-left reading order.)
 +<!-- Id=20080052--> **008/11: Check © date in 264 _4 $c** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +008/06 (Type of date) is coded 't' (Publication date and copyright date), so Date 2 must match a copyright date in the 264_4 $c (Copyright date); but there does not appear to be a copyright date present in the 264 _4 $c, or if there is, it does not match the 008 Date 2.
 +<!-- Id=20080070--> **008/06: Check Type of date code** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +008/06 (Type of date) should be coded 'n' when 008/07-10 (Date1) and 008/11-14 (Date2) both contain 'uuuu', indicating production or publication date is unknown 
 +<!-- Id=21000003--> **100: Ind 1 = '3' not used in AACR** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR Only) </html>\\
 +100 (Main entry - Personal Name) Indicator 1 = 3 (Family name) is not used in an AACR record because a family cannot be a main entry or an added entry under AACR, it can only be a subject heading 
 +<!-- Id=22600012--> **260: Publ data is required in AACR2** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR Only) </html>\\
 +260 (Publication, Distribution, etc.) data is used in an AACR record for a published resource (Leader/06 NOT d, f, p, or t). If this is a hybrid record, make sure that 264 Indicator 2 is '1' (Publication).
 +<!-- Id=22600013--> **260: Publ etc data is needed ** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR Only) </html>\\
 +260 (Publication, Distribution, etc.) production or publication data is used in an AACR record for a three-dimensional object (Leader/06= 'r'), even if it is only a subfield $c with a guessed production date; unless this record is for a 'naturally occurring object', in which case, no 260 is required. If this is a hybrid record, ensure that 264 Indicator 2 is '0' (Production) or '1' (Publication).
 +<!-- Id=22600014--> **264: Field is not used for AACR** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR Only) </html>\\
 +264 field(s) (Production, Publication, Distribution, Manufacture, and Copyright Notice) are not appropriate in an AACR record (040 $e aacr, or no 040 $e) for a single-part monograph; move Publication, etc. data to a combined 260 (Publication, Distribution, etc.) field. 
 +<!-- Id=22600025--> **264: Field is not used for AACR** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR Only) </html>\\
 +264 field(s) (Production, Publication, Distribution, Manufacture, and Copyright Notice) are not appropriate in an AACR record (040 $e aacr, or no 040 $e) for a multi-part monograph, serial, or integrating resource, except for changed publication data (Indicator 1 = '2' or '3') in updated records; move 'earliest' Publication, etc. data to a combined 260 (Publication, Distribution, etc.) field. 
 +<!-- Id=22600027--> **260: Production data is needed ** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR Only) </html>\\
 +260 (Publication, Distribution, etc.) production data is used in an AACR record for a unpublished resource (Leader/06 = d, f, p, or t), even if it is only a subfield $c with a creation date. If this is a hybrid record, make sure that 264 Indicator 2 is '0' (Production).  
 +<!-- Id=22600028--> **264: Field is incompatible with 260** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR Only) </html>\\
 +264 (Production, Publication, Distribution, Manufacture, and Copyright Notice) and 260 (Publication, Distribution, etc.) should not both be present in the same AACR record (040 $e aacr, or no 040 $e), except for changed publication data (Indicator 1 = '2' or '3') in updated multi-part monograph, serial, or integrating resource records. 
 +<!-- Id=22600029--> **260: $c has no date** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only) </html>\\
 +260 subfield $c (Date of publication, etc.) contains no text resembling a date (YYYY or Roman numerals). Check whether this subfield $c has been miscoded, and should be coded as another subfield. If the subfield contains a chronogram as a date, change it to Arabic--LC PCC PS 
 +<!-- Id=22640001--> **260: Field is incompatible with 264** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only) </html>\\
 +260 (Publication, Distribution, etc.) and 264 (Production, Publication, Distribution, Manufacture, and Copyright Notice) cannot both be present in the same RDA record (040 $e rda); move Publication, etc. data to a 264 field with the appropriate Indicator 2. 
 +<!-- Id=22640002--> **264: Prod and Publ data incompatible** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +264  Indicator 2 = 0 (Production) and 264 Indicator 2 = 1 (Publication) cannot both apply in the same record.  
 +<!-- Id=22640003--> **264: Prod and Dist data incompatible** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +264  Indicator 2 = 0 (Production) and 264 Indicator 2 = 2 (Distribution) cannot both apply in the same record.  
 +<!-- Id=22640004--> **264: Prod and Manf data incompatible** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +264  Indicator 2 = 0 (Production) and 264 Indicator 2 = 3 (Manufacture) cannot both apply in the same record. 
 +<!-- Id=22640005--> **264: Distrib needs Publication data ** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +264  Indicator 2 = 2 (Distributor) data requires 264 Indicator 2 = 1 (Publication) data 
 +<!-- Id=22640006--> **264: Manuf needs Publication data ** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +264  Indicator 2 = 3 (Manufacturer) data requires that 264 Indicator 2 = 1 (Publication) data also be present.
 +<!-- Id=22640007--> **264: Copyright needs Pub/Prod data** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +264 Indicator 2 = 4 (Copyright notice date) requires that 264 Indicator 2 = 1 (Publication) data or 264 Indicator 2 = 0 (Production) data are also present.
 +<!-- Id=22640008--> **264: _1 $c move CopyRt date to I2=4** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +264 Indicator 2 = 1 subfield $c (Publication date) contains an added copyright date (preceded by 'copyright' or 'phonogram,' or © or the phonogram symbol, or 'c' or 'p'); move the copyright date to a separate 264 Indicator 2 = 4 (Copyright notice date), preceded by either © or 'phonogram' or 'copyright' 
 +<!-- Id=22640009--> **264: _2 $c move CopyRt date to I2=4** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +264 Indicator 2 = 2 subfield $c (Distributor date) contains a copyright date (preceded by 'copyright' or 'phonogram', or © or the phonogram symbol, or 'c' or 'p'); delete the copyright date, or (optionally) move it to 264 Indicator 2 = 4 (Copyright notice date), preceded by either © or 'phonogram' or 'copyright'
 +<!-- Id=22640010--> **264: _3 $c move CopyRt date to I2=4** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +264 Indicator 2 = 3 subfield $c (Manufacturer date) contains a copyright date (preceded by 'copyright' or 'phonogram', or © or the phonogram symbol, or 'c' or 'p'); delete the copyright date, or (optionally) move it to 264 Indicator 2 = 4 (Copyright notice date), preceded by either © or 'phonogram' or 'copyright'
 +<!-- Id=22640011--> **264: _4 Copyright notice needs $c ** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +264 Indicator 2 = 4 (Copyright notice date) requires a subfield $c (Date), with a copyright date (preceded by 'copyright' or 'phonogram' or © or 'phonogram symbol'
 +<!-- Id=22640012--> **264: _4 Copyright notice needs ©date** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +264 Indicator 2 = 4 (Copyright notice date) requires a copyright date (preceded by 'copyright' or 'phonogram' or © or 'phonogram symbol') in subfield $c (Date) 
 +<!-- Id=22640013--> **264: _4 Copyright must have $c only** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +264 Indicator 2 = 4 (Copyright notice date) can only contain a subfield $c (Date), with a copyright date (preceded by 'copyright' or 'phonogram' or © or 'phonogram symbol'
 +<!-- Id=22640014--> **264: _0 Production needs $c ** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +264 Indicator 2 = 0 (Production) for the first or only occurrence of production data (Indicator 1 = #) requires a subfield $c (Date), even if it only contains [date of production not identified], even for naturally occurring objects
 +<!-- Id=22640016--> **264: _1 Publication needs $a** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +264 Indicator 2 = 1 (Publication) requires subfield $a (Place of publication), even if the subfield only contains [Place of publication not identified]
 +<!-- Id=22640017--> **264: _1 Publication needs $b** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +264 Indicator 2 = 1 (Publication) requires subfield $b (Publisher's name), even if the subfield only contains [publisher not identified]
 +<!-- Id=22640018--> **264: _1 Publication needs $c** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +264 Indicator 2 = 1 (Publication)  for the first or only occurrence of publication data (Indicator 1 = #) requires subfield $c (Date of publication), even if the subfield only contains [date of publication not identified]
 +<!-- Id=22640020--> **264: _2 Distribution should have $a** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +264 Indicator 2 = 2 (Distribution) should have subfield $a (Place of distribution), even if the subfield only contains [Place of distribution not identified]--LC-PCC PS for 2.9 
 +<!-- Id=22640021--> **264: _2 Distribution should have $b** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +264 Indicator 2 = 2 (Distribution) should have subfield $b (Distributor's name), even if the subfield only contains [distributor not identified]--LC-PCC PS for 2.9 
 +<!-- Id=22640023--> **264: _2 Distribution should have $c** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +264 Indicator 2 = 2 (Distribution) for the first or only occurrence of distribution data (Indicator 1 = #) should have subfield $c (Date of distribution), even if the subfield only contains [date of distribution not identified]--LC-PCC PS for 2.9 
 +<!-- Id=22640025--> **264: _3 Manufacture should have $a** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +264 Indicator 2 = 3 (Manufacture) should have subfield $a (Place of manufacture), even if the subfield only contains [Place of manufacture not identified]--LC-PCC PS for 2.10 
 +<!-- Id=22640026--> **264: _3 Manufacture should have $b** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +264 Indicator 2 = 3 (Manufacture) should have subfield $b (Distributor's name), even if the subfield only contains [manufacturer not identified]--LC-PCC PS for 2.10 
 +<!-- Id=22640027--> **264: _3 Manufacture should have $c** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +264 Indicator 2 = 3 (Manufacture) for the first or only occurrence of manufacture data (Indicator 1 = #) should have subfield $c (Date of manufacture), even if the subfield only contains [date of manufacture not identified]--LC-PCC PS for 2.10 
 +<!-- Id=22640029--> **264: $c Invalid copyright symbol** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +264 subfield $c (Date of publication, etc.), contains a symbol of some sort before a date; this is not an RDA record (no 040$e) and AACR does not allow a copyright (or phonogram) symbol before a date; so, change the symbol to a 'c' (or 'p', if applicable).
 +<!-- Id=22640030--> **264: _0 $c <> 008 uuuu,uuuu** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +008/07-10/Date1 and 008/11-14/Date2 both contain 'uuuu' so 264$c should contain [date of production not identified] 
 +<!-- Id=22640031--> **264: _0 $c needs 008 Dates 'uuuu'** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +264 Indicator 2 = 0 subfield $c (Date of production) contains '[date of production not identified]', so 008/07-10/Date1 and 008/11-14/Date2 must both contain 'uuuu' 
 +<!-- Id=22640032--> **264: _1 $c needs 008 Dates 'uuuu'** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +264 Indicator 2 = 1 subfield $c (Date of publication) contains '[date of publication not identified]', so 008/07-10/Date1 and 008/11-14/Date2 must both contain 'uuuu' 
 +<!-- Id=22640033--> **264: _1 $c <> 008 uuuu,uuuu** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +008/07-10/Date1 and 008/11-14/Date2 both contain 'uuuu' so 264$c should contain [date of publication not identified]  
 +<!-- Id=22640041--> **264: _0 Fix $a 'not identified' form** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +264 Indicator 2 = 0 subfield $a (Place of Production) contains the word 'not'; if the place cannot be identified, then ensure that your  wording is entered as [Place of production not identified] 
 +<!-- Id=22640042--> **264: _1 Fix $a 'not identified' form** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +264 Indicator 2 = 1 subfield $a (Place of Publication) contains the word 'not'; if the place cannot be identified, then ensure that your  wording is entered as [Place of publication not identified] 
 +<!-- Id=22640043--> **264: _2 Fix $a 'not identified' form** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +264 Indicator 2 = 2 subfield $a (Place of Distribution) contains the word 'not'; if the place cannot be identified, then ensure that your  wording is entered as [Place of distribution not identified] 
 +<!-- Id=22640044--> **264: _3 Fix $a 'not identified' form** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +264 Indicator 2 = 3 subfield $a (Place of Manufacture) contains the word 'not'; if the place cannot be identified, then ensure that your  wording is entered as [Place of manufacture not identified] 
 +<!-- Id=22640045--> **264: _0 Fix $b 'not identified' form** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +264 Indicator 2 = 0  subfield $b (Producer's Name) contains the word 'not'; if the place cannot be identified, then ensure that your  wording is entered as [producer not identified] 
 +<!-- Id=22640046--> **264: _1 Fix $b 'not identified' form** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +264 Indicator 2 = 1 subfield $b (Publisher's Name) contains the word 'not'; if the place cannot be identified, then ensure that your  wording is entered as [publisher not identified] 
 +<!-- Id=22640047--> **264: _2 Fix $b 'not identified' form** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +264 Indicator 2 = 2 subfield $b (Distributor's Name) contains the word 'not'; if the place cannot be identified, then ensure that your  wording is entered as [distributor not identified] 
 +<!-- Id=22640048--> **264: _3 Fix $b 'not identified' form** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +264 Indicator 2 = 3 subfield $b (Manufacturer's Name) contains the word 'not'; if the place cannot be identified, then ensure that your  wording is entered as [manufacturer not identified] 
 +<!-- Id=22640049--> **264: _0 Fix $c 'not identified' form** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +264 Indicator 2 = 0 subfield $c (Date of Production) contains the word 'not'; if the place cannot be identified, then ensure that your  wording is entered as [date of production not identified] 
 +<!-- Id=22640050--> **264: _1 Fix $c 'not identified' form** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +264 Indicator 2 = 1 subfield $c (Date of Publication) contains the word 'not'; if the place cannot be identified, then ensure that your  wording is entered as [date of publication not identified] 
 +<!-- Id=22640051--> **264: _2 Fix $c 'not identified' form** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +264 Indicator 2 = 2 subfield $c (Date of Distribution) contains the word 'not'; if the place cannot be identified, then ensure that your  wording is entered as [date of distribution not identified] 
 +<!-- Id=22640052--> **264: _3 Fix $c 'not identified' form** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +264 Indicator 2 = 3 subfield $c (Date of Manufacture) contains the word 'not'; if the place cannot be identified, then ensure that your  wording is entered as [date of manufacture not identified] 
 +<!-- Id=22640053--> **264: _0 Check 008 Ctry code** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +264 Indicator 2 = 0 subfield $a (Place of Production) contains [Place of production not identified], so the 008 Country code must be entered as 'xx' 
 +<!-- Id=22640054--> **264: _1 Check 008 Ctry code** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +264 Indicator 2 = 1 subfield $a (Place of Publication) contains [Place of publication not identified], so the 008 Country code must be entered as 'xx' 
 +<!-- Id=22640055--> **264: _0 $a Place <> 008 Ctry code** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +264 Indicator 2 = 0 subfield $a (Place) does not match 008/15 (Ctry code). If you think this message is in error, please check the Country Code/Placename table (ctryplace.txt) found in the lists subdirectory of your MarcReport options folder. For customization info, see: http://www.marcofquality.com/w/doku.php?id=235:countryplace 
 +<!-- Id=22640056--> **264: _1 $a Place <> 008 Ctry code** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +264 Indicator 2 = 1 subfield $a (Place) does not match 008/15 (Ctry code). If you think this message is in error, please check the Country Code/Placename table (ctryplace.txt) found in the lists subdirectory of your MarcReport options folder. For customization info, see: http://www.marcofquality.com/w/doku.php?id=235:countryplace 
 +<!-- Id=22640057--> **264: $c Do not use [n.d.]** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +264 subfield $c (Date) contains '[n.d.]'; try to guess a date, or enter $c'[date of [publication/production/distribution/manufacture] not identified]'  
 +<!-- Id=22640058--> **264: $c seems to have no date** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +264 subfield $c (Date) contains no text resembling a date (YYYY or Roman numerals). Check whether this subfield $c has been miscoded, and should be coded as another subfield. If the subfield contains a chronogram as a date, change it to Arabic--LC PCC PS 
 +<!-- Id=22640059--> **264: $c replace 'l' (el) with '1' ** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +264 subfield $c (Date) contains an 'l' (lowercase el) where a number '1' was expected; if this is a typo, correct it 
 +<!-- Id=22640060--> **264: _0 Check Indicator 1** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +264 Indicator 2 = 0 (Production) is repeated in this record, so the first indicator for each succeeding field should contain either a '2' (Intervening) or '3' (Current/latest) to explain the repetition. 
 +<!-- Id=22640061--> **264: _1 Check Indicator 1** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +264 Indicator 2 = 1 (Publication) is repeated in this record, so the first indicator for each succeeding field should contain either a '2' (Intervening) or '3' (Current/latest) to explain the repetition. 
 +<!-- Id=22640062--> **264: _2 Check Indicator 1** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +264 Indicator 2 = 2 (Distribution) is repeated in this record, so the first indicator for each succeeding field should contain either a '2' (Intervening) or '3' (Current/latest) to explain the repetition.
 +<!-- Id=22640063--> **264: _3 Check Indicator 1** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +264 Indicator 2 = 3 (Manufacture) is repeated in this record, so the first indicator for each succeeding field should contain either a '2' (Intervening) or '3' (Current/latest) to explain the repetition. 
 +<!-- Id=22640064--> **264: Subfield order incorrect** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +264 (Production, etc.) contains subfield $a, $b, $c, but they are not in the correct order. These subfields should be entered in $a $b $c order (Place : Name, Date), unless one or more of the subfields are repeated. 
 +<!-- Id=22640065--> **264: _0 $c Date <> 008 Date1** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +264 Indicator 2 = 0 subfield $c (Production date) does not match 008/07-10/Date1; enter the correct date from the resource in both the 260$c and the 008/07-10/Date1 
 +<!-- Id=22640066--> **264: _1 $c Date <> 008 Date1** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +264 Indicator 2 = 1 subfield $c (Publication date) does not match 008/07-10/Date1; enter the correct date from the resource in both the 260$c and the 008/07-10/Date1 
 +<!-- Id=22640067--> **264: _4 fix Copyright symbol** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +264 Indicator 2 = 4 (Copyright notice date) subfield $c (Date) requires the copyright date to be preceded by 'copyright' or 'phonogram' or © or 'phonogram symbol'.
 +<!-- Id=22640068--> **264: _1 $c Guess pub from cpyRt date** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +264 Indicator 2 = 1 subfield $c (Publication date) contains only a copyright date (preceded by 'copyright' or 'phonogram', or © or the phonogram symbol, or 'c' or 'p'); guess the publication date from the copyright date, and (optionally) add the copyright date again in a separate 264 Indicator 2 = 4 (Copyright notice date), preceded by 'copyright' or 'phonogram' or © or 'phonogram symbol'.
 +<!-- Id=22640069--> **264: _0 $c move CopyRt date to I2=4** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +264 Indicator 2 = 0 subfield $c (Production date) contains an added copyright date (preceded by 'copyright' or 'phonogram', or © or the phonogram symbol, or 'c' or 'p'); move the copyright date to a separate 264 Indicator 2 = 4 (Copyright notice date), preceded by either © or 'phonogram' or 'copyright'  
 +<!-- Id=22640070--> **264: _0 $c guess ProdDate from cpyRt** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +264 Indicator 2 = 0 subfield $c (Production date) contains only a copyright date (preceded by 'copyright' or 'phonogram', or © or the phonogram symbol, or 'c' or 'p'); guess the production date from the copyright date, and (optionally) add the copyright date again in a separate 264 Indicator 2 = 4 (Copyright notice date), preceded by 'copyright' or 'phonogram' or © or 'phonogram symbol'
 +<!-- Id=22640071--> **264: _0 Not repeatable if monograph** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +264 Indicator 2 = 0 (Production) is not repeatable for monographic records; if production information on your resource differs significantly from the production info in the record, you must create a new record for your resource. 
 +<!-- Id=22640072--> **264: _1 Not repeatable if monograph** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +264 Indicator 2 = 1 (Publication) is not repeatable for monographic records; if publication information on your resource differs significantly from the publication info in the record, you must create a new record for your resource. 
 +<!-- Id=23000046--> **300: Add subf $c delimiter** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +The 300 (Physical description) field contains what appears to be Dimensions (typically expressed in cm. for print materials), but no subfield $c delimiter is present. Add $c between the semi-colon and the number, with no intervening spaces, eg. ' ;$c25 cm.'
 +<!-- Id=23000047--> **300: $b should be $c** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +The 300 (Physical description) field contains what appears to be Dimensions (typically expressed in cm. for print materials) in a subfield $b (Other physical details). Change the $b to $c, and double-check the coding and the punctuation: for Dimensions, the ISBD punct. is a semi-colon, eg. ' ;$c25 cm.'
 +<!-- Id=23000048--> **300: Subfield order incorrect** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +The 300 (Physical description) field contains subfield $a, $b, $c, but they are not in the correct order. These subfields should be entered in $a $b $c order (Extent : Other physical details; Dimensions), unless one or more of the subfields are repeated.
 +<!-- Id=23770001--> **377: Not used in bib records** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +377 (Associated language) is used in an Authority record for an Expression; it is  not intended for use in a Bibliographic record unless you are using that record to represent a Work or Expression with no manifestation information (i.e, record contains only Work or Expression data) 
 +<!-- Id=23800001--> **380: Not used in bib records** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +380 (Form of work)  is used in an Authority record for a Work; it is  not intended for use in a Bibliographic record unless you are using that record to represent a Work or Expression with no manifestation information (i.e, record contains only Work or Expression data) 
 +<!-- Id=23810001--> **381: Not used in bib records** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +381 (Other Distinguishing Characteristics of Work or Expression) is used in an Authority record for a Work or an Expression; it is  not intended for use in a Bibliographic record unless you are using that record to represent a Work or Expression with no manifestation information (i.e, record contains only Work or Expression data) 
 +<!-- Id=23830001--> **383: Not used in bib records** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +383 (Numeric Designation of Musical Work) is used in an Authority record for a Work or an Expression; it is  not intended for use in a Bibliographic record unless you are using that record to represent a Work or Expression with no manifestation information (i.e, record contains only Work or Expression data) 
 +<!-- Id=23840001--> **384: Not used in bib records** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +384 (Key) is used in an Authority record for a Work or an Expression; it is  not intended for use in a Bibliographic record unless you are using that record to represent a Work or Expression with no manifestation information (i.e, record contains only Work or Expression data) 
 +<!-- Id=27000001--> **700: Ind 1 = '3' is not used in AACR** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR Only) </html>\\
 +700 (Added entry - Personal Name) Indicator 1 = 3 (Family name) is not used in an AACR record because a family cannot be an added entry or a main entry under AACR, it can only be a subject heading 
 +<!-- Id=30000040--> **%t: No blank after punct.** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +The %t field contains a punctuation mark followed by a blank space before the selected subfield delimiter; as a rule, there should not be a blank space before a MARC21 subfield delimiter when it is preceded by punctuation. Delete the blank space. 
 +<!-- Id=30000041--> **%t: Remove ending punct.** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +%t does not end with an ending mark of punctuation--except a closing parentheses (for a qualifier) or when it is part of the data (e.g., for an abbreviation or intial, etc.)
 +<!-- Id=32451105--> **245: $n no space before '.$n'** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +245 subfield $n (Numbered part) must have no space before a preceding period (.$n)--as per ISBD.
 +<!-- Id=32640001--> **264: _4 does not end in punct.** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +264 Indicator 2 = 4 (Copyright notice date) does not end with an ending mark of punctuation--LC PCC PS 1.7.1 
 +<!-- Id=32640002--> **264: Needs ending punct.** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +264 ends with a period, a closing parenthesis, a closing bracket, a question mark, or a hyphen when $c is present--LC PCC PS 1.7.1 
 +<!-- Id=32640003--> **264: Does not end in punct. if no $c** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +264 does not end with a period, a closing parenthesis, a closing bracket, a question mark, or a hyphen, if no $c is present--LC PCC PS 1.7.1 
 +<!-- Id=32640981--> **264: $b needs space before ':$b'** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +264 $b: ISBD punctuation says a space must always precede the colon, for publisher data (#:$b) . 
 +<!-- Id=32640996--> **264: $c has no space before ',$c'** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +264 $c: ISBD punctuation says no space must come before the comma, for Date data ( ,$c ). 
 +<!-- Id=32645971--> **264: $a punct. must be ' ;'** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +264 $a: ISBD punctuation says that when subfield $a (Place of  production, publication, distribution, manufacture) is repeated, it must be preceded by a [blank space and a] semi-colon.
 +<!-- Id=32645972--> **264: $a needs space before ';'** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +264 $a: ISBD punctuation says that the blank space must be added before the semi-colon--not after it.
 +<!-- Id=32645981--> **264: $b punct. must be ':'** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +264 $b: ISBD punctuation says that subfield $b (Name of producer, publisher, distributor, manufacturer) must be preceded by a colon.
 +<!-- Id=32645996--> **264: $c punct. must be ','** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +264 $c: ISBD punctuation says that subfield $c (Date of production, publication, distribution, manufacture) must be preceded by a comma.
 +<!-- Id=33006322--> **300: Remove '.' after 'cm' or 'mm'** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only) </html>\\
 +300 (Physical description field): 'cm' and 'mm' are symbols, not abbreviations; current understanding of ISBD is: 300 does not end with an ending mark of punctuation except when a 4XX field is also present, or when the punctuation is a closing parenthesis, or is part of the data (e.g., for an abbreviation)--LC PCC PS 1.7.1
 +<!-- Id=33006323--> **300: Need '.' after 'cm'/'mm' if 4XX** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +300 (Physical description field): ISBD punctuation requires a period at the end of this field whenever it is followed by a 4XX field (Series Statement), even when it ends with the symbol 'cm' or 'mm'
 +<!-- Id=33006324--> **300: No end '.' if no 4XX** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +300 (Physical description field) does not end with an ending mark of punctuation--except when a 4XX field is also present, or when the punctuation is a closing parenthesis, or is part of the data (e.g., for an abbreviation)--LC PCC PS 1.7.1 
 +<!-- Id=33006325--> **300: Need '.' after 'in' (inches)** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +300 (Physical description): 'in.' is an abbreviation for inches (unlike 'cm', which is the symbol for centimeters--not an abbrev.). As such, the standard ISBD punctuation rule applies: 300 does not end with an ending mark of punctuation--except when a 4XX field is also present, or when the punctuation is a closing parenthesis, or is part of the data (e.g., for an abbreviation)--LC PCC PS 1.7.1. 
 +<!-- Id=33006326--> **300: Remove '.' after 'cm' or 'mm'** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR Only) </html>\\
 +300 (Physical description field): 'cm' and 'mm' are symbols, not abbreviations; current understanding of ISBD is: 300 does not end with an ending mark of punctuation except when a 4XX field is also present, or when the punctuation is a closing parenthesis, or is part of the data (e.g., for an abbreviation)--LC PCC PS 1.7.1. You may disable this message if you are copy cataloging AACR records. 
 +<!-- Id=42450004--> **245: $c Do not use '...'** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only) </html>\\
 +245 subfield $c (Statement of responsibility, etc.): RDA does not allow the use of an ellipsis, or mark of omission, in transcribed fields. RDA says: For transcribed elements, use only those abbreviations found in the sources of information for the element.
 +<!-- Id=42500004--> **250: $b Do not use [et al.]** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only) </html>\\
 +250 subfield $b (Edition statement): RDA does not allow the use of the abbreviation '[et al.]'. Enter all of the statements of responsibility listed on the resource, or replace the abbreviation with a simple phrase (e.g., 'and others', or 'and other authors', etc.)
 +<!-- Id=42500005--> **250: $b Do not use '...'** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only) </html>\\
 +250 subfield $b (Edition statement): RDA does not allow the use of an ellipsis, or mark of omission, in transcribed fields. RDA says: For transcribed elements, use only those abbreviations found in the sources of information for the element.
 +<!-- Id=42640001--> **264: Publ data is required in RDA** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only) </html>\\
 +264 Indicator 2 = 1 (Publication data) is used in an RDA record when Leader/06 is NOT coded ‘d, f, p, or t’, indicating the record is for an published resource. Either change 264 Indicator 2 to ‘1’ (for publication data), or change Leader/06 to an appropriate code for the unpublished resource.
 +<!-- Id=42640002--> **264: Prod data is required in RDA** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only) </html>\\
 +264  Indicator 2 = 0 (Production data) is used in an RDA record when Leader/06 is coded ‘d, f, p, or t’, indicating the record is for an unpublished resource. Either change 264 Indicator 2 to ‘0’ (for production data), or change Leader/06 to an appropriate code for the published resource. 
 +<!-- Id=42640003--> **264: Publ or Prod data is needed ** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only) </html>\\
 +264 Indicator 2 = 1 (Publication) data or 264 Indicator 2 = 0 (Production) data must be present in an RDA record for a three-dimensional object (Leader/06= 'r'), even if it is only a guessed date, or '[date of ... not identified]'
 +<!-- Id=42640004--> **260: Field is not used for RDA** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only) </html>\\
 +260 (Publication, Distribution, etc.) should not be used in an RDA record (040 $e rda). Move Publication, etc., data to a 264 field or fields (Production, Publication, Distribution, Manufacture, and Copyright Notice) with the appropriate second indicator value: '0' (Production), '1' (Publication), '2' (Distribution), '3' (Manufacture), or '4' (Copyright notice). 
 +<!-- Id=42640005--> **264: $c Invalid copyright symbol** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +264 subfield $c (Date of publication, etc.) contains a symbol before a date; RDA allows either a copyright symbol or the word 'copyright' (or 'phonogram', as appropriate), before a copyright date, but the symbol in this subf $c is not valid; press F3 to replace it with a valid symbol, or enter the appropriate word.
 +<!-- Id=42640006--> **264: Publ or Prod data needed** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (None) </html>\\
 +264 Indicator 2 = 1 (Publication) data or 264 Indicator 2 = 0 (Production) data must be present in an RDA record. 
 +<!-- Id=43000003--> **300: $a Do not abbreviate** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only) </html>\\
 +300 subfield $a (Extent): under RDA, we do not abbreviate approximately as 'approx.', folio as 'fol.', black and white as 'b&w', or frame(s) as 'fr.'. Replace the abbreviation with the full wording.
 +<!-- Id=43360051--> **000/06: 'e' needs matching 336** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only) </html>\\
 +000/06 (Type of record) code 'e' (Cartographic material) requires a corresponding cartographic term in 336$a or code in 336$b. For appropriate terms/codes, press <F1> or see: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacontent.html
 +<!-- Id=43360052--> **000/06: 'f' needs matching 336** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only) </html>\\
 +000/06 (Type of record) code 'f' (Manuscript cartographic material) requires a corresponding cartographic term in a 336$a or code in a 336$b. For appropriate terms/codes, press <F1> or see: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacontent.html
 +<!-- Id=43360053--> **336: needs matching 000/06 'e' or 'f** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +336 (Content type) is not repeated in this record; therefore, the cartographic term in 336$a or code in 336$b requires a corresponding 000/06 (Type of record) code 'e' (Cartographic material) or 'f' (Manuscript cartographic material). See: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacontent.html
 +<!-- Id=43360054--> **000/06: 'm' needs matching 336** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only) </html>\\
 +000/06 (Type of record) code 'm' (Computer file) requires a corresponding computer term in a 336$a or code in a 336$b. For appropriate terms/codes, press <F1> or see: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacontent.html
 +<!-- Id=43360055--> **336: needs matching 000/06 'm'** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +336 (Content type) is not repeated in this record; therefore, the computer term in 336$a or code in 336$b requires a corresponding 000/06 (Type of record) code 'm' (Computer file). See: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacontent.html
 +<!-- Id=43360056--> **000/06: 'a' needs matching 336** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only) </html>\\
 +000/06 (Type of record) code 'a' (Language material) requires a corresponding text or notated movement term in a 336$a or code in a 336$b. For appropriate terms/codes, press <F1> or see: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacontent.html
 +<!-- Id=43360057--> **000/06: 't' needs matching 336** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only) </html>\\
 +000/06 (Type of record) code 't' (Manuscript language material) requires a corresponding text or notated movement term in 336$a or code in 336$b. For appropriate terms/codes, press <F1> or see: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacontent.html
 +<!-- Id=43360058--> **336: needs matching 000/06 'a' or 't** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +336 (Content type) is not repeated in this record; therefore, the text or notated movement term in 336$a or code in 336$b requires a corresponding 000/06 (Type of record) code 'a' (Language material) or 't' (Manuscript language material). See: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacontent.html
 +<!-- Id=43360059--> **000/06: 'c' needs matching 336** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only) </html>\\
 +000/06 (Type of record) code 'c' (Notated music) requires a corresponding term in 336$a or code in 336$b. For appropriate terms/codes, press <F1> or see: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacontent.html
 +<!-- Id=43360060--> **000/06: 'd' needs matching 336** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only) </html>\\
 +000/06 (Type of record) code 'd' (Manuscript notated music) requires a corresponding notated music term in a 336$a or code in a 336$b. For appropriate terms/codes, press <F1> or see: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacontent.html
 +<!-- Id=43360061--> **336: needs matching 000/06 'c' or 'd** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +336 (Content type) is not repeated in this record; therefore, the notated music term in 336$a or code in 336$b requires a corresponding 000/06 (Type of record) code 'c' (Notated music) or 'd' (Manuscript notated music). See: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacontent.html
 +<!-- Id=43360062--> **000/06: 'j' needs matching 336** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only) </html>\\
 +000/06 (Type of record) code 'j' (Musical sound recording) requires a corresponding performed music term in a 336$a or code in a 336$b. For appropriate terms/codes, press <F1> or see: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacontent.html
 +<!-- Id=43360063--> **336: needs matching 000/06 'j'** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +336 (Content type) is not repeated in this record; therefore, the performed music term in 336$a or code in 336$b requires a corresponding 000/06 (Type of record) code 'j' (Musical sound recording). See: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacontent.html
 +<!-- Id=43360064--> **000/06: 'i' needs matching 336** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only) </html>\\
 +000/06 (Type of record) code 'i' (Nonmusical sound recording) requires a corresponding sound or spoken word term in a 336$a or code in a 336$b. For appropriate terms/codes, press <F1> or see: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacontent.html
 +<!-- Id=43360065--> **336: needs matching 000/06 'i'** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +336 (Content type) is not repeated in this record; therefore, the sounds or spoken word term in 336$a or code in 336$b requires a corresponding 000/06 (Type of record) code 'i' (Nonmusical sound recording). See: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacontent.html
 +<!-- Id=43360066--> **000/06: 'k' needs matching 336** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only) </html>\\
 +000/06 (Type of record) code 'k' (Two-dimensional nonprojectable graphic) requires a corresponding still image term in a 336$a or code in a 336$b. For appropriate terms/codes, press <F1> or see: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacontent.html
 +<!-- Id=43360067--> **336: needs matching 000/06 'k'** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +336 (Content type) is not repeated in this record; therefore, the still image term in 336$a or code in 336$b requires a corresponding 000/06 (Type of record) code 'k' (Two-dimensional nonprojectable graphic). See: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacontent.html
 +<!-- Id=43360068--> **000/06: 'r' needs matching 336** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only) </html>\\
 +000/06 (Type of record) code 'r' (Three-dimensional artifact or naturally occurring object) requires a corresponding 3-D term in a 336$a or code in a 336$b. For appropriate terms/codes, press <F1> or see: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacontent.html
 +<!-- Id=43360069--> **336: needs matching 000/06 'r'** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +336 (Content type) is not repeated in this record; therefore, the 3-D term in 336$a or code in 336$b requires a corresponding 000/06 (Type of record) code 'r' (Three-dimensional artifact or naturally occurring object). See: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacontent.html
 +<!-- Id=43360070--> **000/06: 'g' needs matching 336** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only) </html>\\
 +000/06 (Type of record) code 'g' (Projected medium) requires a corresponding moving image term in a 336$a or code in a 336$b. For appropriate terms/codes, press <F1> or see: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacontent.html
 +<!-- Id=43360071--> **336: needs matching 000/06 'g'** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +336 (Content type) is not repeated in this record; therefore, the moving image term in 336$a or code in 336$b requires a corresponding 000/06 (Type of record) code 'g' (Projected medium). See: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacontent.html
 +<!-- Id=43360072--> **000/06: 'o' needs at least two 336's** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only) </html>\\
 +000/06 (Type of record) code 'o' (Kit) requires at least two or more terms in 336$a or codes in a 336$b. For appropriate terms/codes, press <F1> or see: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacontent.html
 +<!-- Id=43370051--> **007/00: 's' needs matching 337** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only) </html>\\
 +007/00 (Category of material) code 's' (sound recording) requires the term 'audio' in 337$a or code 's' in 337$b. For appropriate terms/codes, press <F1> or see: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdamedia.html
 +<!-- Id=43370052--> **337: needs matching 007/00 's'** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +337 (Media type) contains the term 'audio' in 337$a or code 's' in 337$b and so requires a corresponding 007/00 (Category of material) code 's' (sound recording). See: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdamedia.html
 +<!-- Id=43370053--> **007/00: 'c' needs matching 337** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only) </html>\\
 +007/00 (Category of material) code 'c' (electronic resource) requires the term 'computer' in 337$a or code 'c' in 337$b. For appropriate terms/codes, press <F1> or see: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdamedia.html
 +<!-- Id=43370054--> **337: needs matching 007/00 'c'** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +337 (Media type) contains the term 'computer' in 337$a or code 'c' in 337$b and so requires a corresponding 007/00 (Category of material) code 'c' (electronic resource). See: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdamedia.html
 +<!-- Id=43370055--> **007/00: 'h' needs matching 337** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only) </html>\\
 +007/00 (Category of material) code 'h' (microform) requires the term 'microform' in 337$a or code 'h' in 337$b. For appropriate terms/codes, press <F1> or see: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdamedia.html
 +<!-- Id=43370056--> **337: needs matching 007/00 'h'** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +337 (Media type) contains the term 'microform' in 337$a or code 'h' in 337$b and so requires a corresponding 007/00 (Category of material) code 'h' (microform). See: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdamedia.html
 +<!-- Id=43370057--> **007/00: 'g' needs matching 337** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only) </html>\\
 +007/00 (Category of material) code 'g' (projected graphic) requires the term 'projected' in 337$a or code 'g' in 337$b. For appropriate terms/codes, press <F1> or see: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdamedia.html
 +<!-- Id=43370058--> **007/00: 'm' needs matching 337** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only) </html>\\
 +007/00 (Category of material) code 'm' (motion picture) requires the term 'projected' in 337$a or code 'g' in 337$b. For appropriate terms/codes, press <F1> or see: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdamedia.html
 +<!-- Id=43370059--> **337: needs matching 007/00 'g' or 'm** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +337 (Media type) contains the term 'projected' in 337$a or code 'g' in 337$b and so requires a corresponding 007/00 (Category of material) code 'g' (projected graphic) or 'm' (motion picture). See: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdamedia.html
 +<!-- Id=43370060--> **007/00: 't' needs matching 337** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only) </html>\\
 +007/00 (Category of material) code 't' (text) requires the term 'unmediated' in 337$a or code 'n' in 337$b. For appropriate terms/codes, press <F1> or see: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdamedia.html
 +<!-- Id=43370061--> **007/00: 'k' needs matching 337** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only) </html>\\
 +007/00 (Category of material) code 'k' (non-projected graphic) requires the term 'unmediated' in 337$a or code 'n' in 337$b. For appropriate terms/codes, press <F1> or see: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdamedia.html
 +<!-- Id=43370062--> **337: needs matching 007/00 't' or 'k** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (None) </html>\\
 +337 (Media type) contains the term 'unmediated' in 337$a or code 'n' in 337$b and so requires a corresponding 007/00 (Category of material) code 't' (text) or 'k' (projected graphic); except for 'objects' which have no 007 codes. See: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdamedia.html
 +<!-- Id=43370063--> **007/00: 'v' needs matching 337** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only) </html>\\
 +007/00 (Category of material) code 'v' (videorecording) requires the term 'video' in 337$a or code 'v' in 337$b. For appropriate terms/codes, press <F1> or see: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdamedia.html
 +<!-- Id=43370064--> **337: needs matching 007/00 'v'** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +337 (Media type) contains the term 'video' in 337$a or code 'v' in 337$b and so requires a corresponding 007/00 (Category of material) code 'v' (videorecording). See: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdamedia.html
 +<!-- Id=43370065--> **007/00: 'z' needs matching 337** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only) </html>\\
 +007/00 (Category of material) code 'z' (unspecified) requires the term 'other' or 'unspecified' in 337$a or code 'v' or 'x' in 337$b. For appropriate terms/codes, press <F1> or see: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdamedia.html
 +<!-- Id=43370066--> **337: needs matching 007/00 'z'** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +337 (Media type) contains the term 'other' or 'unspecified' in 337$a or code 'x' or code 'z' in 337$b and so requires a corresponding 007/00 (Category of material) code 'z' (unspecified). See: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdamedia.html 
 +<!-- Id=43380051--> **007/01: 'a' needs matching 338** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only) </html>\\
 +007/01 (Specific material designation) code 'a' (Tape cartridge) requires the term 'computer tape cartridge' in 338$a or code 'ca' in 338$b. For appropriate terms/codes, press <F1>, or see: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380052--> **007/01: 'b' needs matching 338** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only) </html>\\
 +007/01 (Specific material designation) code 'b' (Chip cartridge) requires the term 'computer chip cartridge' in 338$a or code 'cb' in 338$b. For appropriate terms/codes, press <F1>, or see: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380053--> **007/01: 'd' needs matching 338** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only) </html>\\
 +007/01 (Specific material designation) code 'd' (Computer disc, type unspecified) requires the term 'computer disc' in 338$a or code 'cd' in 338$b. For appropriate terms/codes, press <F1>, or see: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380054--> **007/01: 'e' needs matching 338** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only) </html>\\
 +007/01 (Specific material designation) code 'e' (Computer disc cartridge, type unspecified) requires the term 'computer disc cartridge' in 338$a or code 'ce' in 338$b. For appropriate terms/codes, press <F1>, or see: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380055--> **007/01: 'f' needs matching 338** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only) </html>\\
 +007/01 (Specific material designation) code 'f' (Tape cassette) requires the term 'computer tape cassette' in 338$a or code 'cf' in 338$b. For appropriate terms/codes, press <F1>, or see: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380056--> **007/01: 'h' needs matching 338** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only) </html>\\
 +007/01 (Specific material designation) code 'h' (Tape reel) requires the term 'computer tape reel' in 338$a or code 'ch' in 338$b. For appropriate terms/codes, press <F1>, or see: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380057--> **007/01: 'k' needs matching 338** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only) </html>\\
 +007/01 (Specific material designation) code 'k' (Computer card) requires the term 'computer card' in 338$a or code 'ck' in 338$b. For appropriate terms/codes, press <F1>, or see: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380058--> **007/01: 'r' needs matching 338** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only) </html>\\
 +007/01 (Specific material designation) code 'r' (Remote) requires the term 'online resource' in 338$a or code 'cr' in 338$b. For appropriate terms/codes, press <F1>, or see: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380059--> **007/01: 'z' needs matching 338** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only) </html>\\
 +007/01 (Specific material designation) code 'z' (Other) requires the term 'other' in 338$a or code 'cz' in 338$b. For appropriate terms/codes, press <F1>, or see: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380060--> **007/01: 'c' needs matching 338** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only) </html>\\
 +007/01 (Specific material designation) code 'c' (Filmstrip cartridge) requires the term 'filmstrip cartridge' in 338$a or code 'gc' in 338$b. For appropriate terms/codes, press <F1>, or see: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380061--> **007/01: 'd' needs matching 338** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only) </html>\\
 +007/01 (Specific material designation) code 'd' (Filmslip) requires the term 'filmslip' in 338$a or code 'gd' in 338$b. For appropriate terms/codes, press <F1>, or see: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380062--> **007/01: 'f' needs matching 338** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only) </html>\\
 +007/01 (Specific material designation) code 'f' (Filmstrip, type unspecified) requires the term 'filmstrip' in 338$a or code 'gf' in 338$b. For appropriate terms/codes, press <F1>, or see: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380063--> **007/01: 's' needs matching 338** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only) </html>\\
 +007/01 (Specific material designation) code 's' (Slide) requires the term 'slide' in 338$a or code 'gs' in 338$b. For appropriate terms/codes, press <F1>, or see: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380064--> **007/01: 't' needs matching 338** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only) </html>\\
 +007/01 (Specific material designation) code 't' (Transparency) requires the term 'overhead transparency' in 338$a or code 'gt' in 338$b. For appropriate terms/codes, press <F1>, or see: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380065--> **007/01: 'z' needs matching 338** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only) </html>\\
 +007/01 (Specific material designation) code 'z' (Other) requires the term 'other' in 338$a or code 'gz' in 338$b. For appropriate terms/codes, press <F1>, or see: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380066--> **007/01: 'a' needs matching 338** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only) </html>\\
 +007/01 (Specific material designation) code 'a' (Aperture card) requires the term 'aperture card' in 338$a or code 'ha' in 338$b. For appropriate terms/codes, press <F1>, or see: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380067--> **007/01: 'b' needs matching 338** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only) </html>\\
 +007/01 (Specific material designation) code 'b' (Microfilm cartridge) requires the term 'microfilm cartridge' in 338$a or code 'hb' in 338$b. For appropriate terms/codes, press <F1>, or see: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380068--> **007/01: 'c' needs matching 338** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only) </html>\\
 +007/01 (Specific material designation) code 'c' (Microfilm cassette) requires the term 'microfilm cassette' in 338$a or code 'hc' in 338$b. For appropriate terms/codes, press <F1>, or see: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380069--> **007/01: 'd' needs matching 338** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only) </html>\\
 +007/01 (Specific material designation) code 'd' (Microfilm reel) requires the term 'microfilm reel' in 338$a or code 'hd' in 338$b. For appropriate terms/codes, press <F1>, or see: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380070--> **007/01: 'e' needs matching 338** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only) </html>\\
 +007/01 (Specific material designation) code 'e' (Microfiche) requires the term 'microfiche' in 338$a or code 'he' in 338$b. For appropriate terms/codes, press <F1>, or see: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380071--> **007/01: 'f' needs matching 338** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only) </html>\\
 +007/01 (Specific material designation) code 'f' (Microfiche cassette) requires the term 'microfiche cassette' in 338$a or code 'hf' in 338$b. For appropriate terms/codes, press <F1>, or see: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380072--> **007/01: 'g' needs matching 338** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only) </html>\\
 +007/01 (Specific material designation) code 'g' (Microopaque) requires the term 'microopaque' in 338$a or code 'hg' in 338$b. For appropriate terms/codes, press <F1>, or see: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380073--> **007/01: 'h' needs matching 338** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only) </html>\\
 +007/01 (Specific material designation) code 'h' (Microfilm slip) requires the term 'microfilm slip' in 338$a or code 'hh' in 338$b. For appropriate terms/codes, press <F1>, or see: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380074--> **007/01: 'j' needs matching 338** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only) </html>\\
 +007/01 (Specific material designation) code 'j' (Microfilm roll) requires the term 'microfilm roll' in 338$a or code 'hj' in 338$b. For appropriate terms/codes, press <F1>, or see: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380075--> **007/01: 'z' needs matching 338** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only) </html>\\
 +007/01 (Specific material designation) code 'z' (Other) requires the term 'other' in 338$a or code 'hz' in 338$b. For appropriate terms/codes, press <F1>, or see: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380076--> **007/01: 'c' needs matching 338** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only) </html>\\
 +007/01 (Specific material designation) code 'c' (Film cartridge) requires the term 'film cartridge' in 338$a or code 'mc' in 338$b. For appropriate terms/codes, press <F1>, or see: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380077--> **007/01: 'f' needs matching 338** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only) </html>\\
 +007/01 (Specific material designation) code 'f' (Film cassette) requires the term 'film cassette' in 338$a or code 'mf' in 338$b. For appropriate terms/codes, press <F1>, or see: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380078--> **007/01: 'o' needs matching 338** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only) </html>\\
 +007/01 (Specific material designation) code 'o' (Film roll) requires the term 'film roll' in 338$a or code 'mo' in 338$b. For appropriate terms/codes, press <F1>, or see: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380079--> **007/01: 'r' needs matching 338** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only) </html>\\
 +007/01 (Specific material designation) code 'r' (Film reel) requires the term 'film reel' in 338$a or code 'mr' in 338$b. For appropriate terms/codes, press <F1>, or see: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380080--> **007/01: 'z' needs matching 338** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only) </html>\\
 +007/01 (Specific material designation) code 'z' (Other) requires the term 'other' in 338$a or code 'mz' in 338$b. For appropriate terms/codes, press <F1>, or see: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380081--> **007/01: 'd' needs matching 338** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only) </html>\\
 +007/01 (Specific material designation) code 'd' (Sound disc) requires the term 'audio disc' in 338$a or code 'sd' in 338$b. For appropriate terms/codes, press <F1>, or see: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380082--> **007/01: 'e' needs matching 338** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only) </html>\\
 +007/01 (Specific material designation) code 'e' (Cylinder) requires the term 'audio cylinder' in 338$a or code 'se' in 338$b. For appropriate terms/codes, press <F1>, or see: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380083--> **007/01: 'g' needs matching 338** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only) </html>\\
 +007/01 (Specific material designation) code 'g' (Sound cartridge) requires the term 'audio cartridge' in 338$a or code 'sg' in 338$b. For appropriate terms/codes, press <F1>, or see: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380084--> **007/01: 'i' needs matching 338** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only) </html>\\
 +007/01 (Specific material designation) code 'i' (Sound-track film) requires the term 'sound-track reel' in 338$a or code 'si' in 338$b. For appropriate terms/codes, press <F1>, or see: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380085--> **007/01: 'q' needs matching 338** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only) </html>\\
 +007/01 (Specific material designation) code 'q' (Roll ) requires the term 'audio roll' in 338$a or code 'sq' in 338$b. For appropriate terms/codes, press <F1>, or see: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380086--> **007/01: 's' needs matching 338** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only) </html>\\
 +007/01 (Specific material designation) code 's' (Sound cassette) requires the term 'audiocassette' in 338$a or code 'ss' in 338$b. For appropriate terms/codes, press <F1>, or see: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380087--> **007/01: 't' needs matching 338** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only) </html>\\
 +007/01 (Specific material designation) code 't' (Sound-tape reel) requires the term 'audiotape reel' in 338$a or code 'st' in 338$b. For appropriate terms/codes, press <F1>, or see: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380088--> **007/01: 'z' needs matching 338** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only) </html>\\
 +007/01 (Specific material designation) code 'z' (Other) requires the term 'other' in 338$a or code 'sz' in 338$b. For appropriate terms/codes, press <F1>, or see: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380089--> **007/01: 'c' needs matching 338** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only) </html>\\
 +007/01 (Specific material designation) code 'c' (Videocartridge) requires the term 'video cartridge' in 338$a or code 'vc' in 338$b. For appropriate terms/codes, press <F1>, or see: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380090--> **007/01: 'd' needs matching 338** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only) </html>\\
 +007/01 (Specific material designation) code 'd' (Videodisc) requires the term 'videodisc' in 338$a or code 'vd' in 338$b. For appropriate terms/codes, press <F1>, or see: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380091--> **007/01: 'f' needs matching 338** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only) </html>\\
 +007/01 (Specific material designation) code 'f' (Videocassette) requires the term 'videocassette' in 338$a or code 'vf' in 338$b. For appropriate terms/codes, press <F1>, or see: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380092--> **007/01: 'r' needs matching 338** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only) </html>\\
 +007/01 (Specific material designation) code 'r' (Videotape reel) requires the term 'videoreel' in 338$a or code 'vr' in 338$b. For appropriate terms/codes, press <F1>, or see: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380093--> **007/01: 'z' needs matching 338** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only) </html>\\
 +007/01 (Specific material designation) code 'z' (Other) requires the term 'other' in 338$a or code 'vz' in 338$b. For appropriate terms/codes, press <F1>, or see: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380095--> **007/01: 'u' needs matching 338** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only) </html>\\
 +007/01 (Specific material designation) code 'u' (Unspecified) requires the term 'other' or 'unspecified' in 338$a or code 'zu' in 338$b. For appropriate terms/codes, press <F1>, or see: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380101--> **338: needs matching 007/01 'a'** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +338 (Carrier type) contains the term 'computer tape cartridge' in 338$a or code 'ca' in 338$b and so requires a corresponding 007/01 (Specific material designation) code 'a' (tape cartridge). See: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380102--> **338: needs matching 007/01 'b'** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +338 (Carrier type) contains the term 'computer chip cartridge' in 338$a or code 'cb' in 338$b and so requires a corresponding 007/01 (Specific material designation) code 'b' (chip cartridge). See: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380103--> **338: needs matching 007/01 ** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +338 (Carrier type) contains the term 'computer disc' in 338$a or code 'cd' in 338$b and so requires a corresponding 007/01 (Specific material designation) coded: 'd' (computer disc, type unspecified), 'e' (computer disc cartridge, type unspecified), 'j' (magnetic disk), 'm' (magneto-optical disc), or 'o' (optical disc). See: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html 
 +<!-- Id=43380104--> **338: needs matching 007/01 'e'** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +338 (Carrier type) contains the term 'computer disc cartridge' in 338$a or code 'ce' in 338$b and so requires a corresponding 007/01 (Specific material designation) code 'e' (computer disc cartridge, type unspecified). See: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html 
 +<!-- Id=43380105--> **338: needs matching 007/01 'f'** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +338 (Carrier type) contains the term 'computer tape cassette' in 338$a or code 'cf' in 338$b and so requires a corresponding 007/01 (Specific material designation) code 'f' (tape cassette). See: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380106--> **338: needs matching 007/01 'h'** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +338 (Carrier type) contains the term 'computer tape reel' in 338$a or code 'ch' in 338$b and so requires a corresponding 007/01 (Specific material designation) code 'h' (tape reel). See: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380107--> **338: needs matching 007/01 'k'** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +338 (Carrier type) contains the term 'computer card' in 338$a or code 'ck' in 338$b and so requires a corresponding 007/01 (Specific material designation) code 'k' (computer card). See: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380108--> **338: needs matching 007/01 'r'** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +338 (Carrier type) contains the term 'online resource' in 338$a or code 'cr' in 338$b and so requires a corresponding 007/01 (Specific material designation) code 'r' (remote). See: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380109--> **338: needs matching 007/01 'z'** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +338 (Carrier type) contains the term 'other' in 338$a or code 'cz' in 338$b and so requires a corresponding 007/01 (Specific material designation) code 'z' (Other). See: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380110--> **338: needs matching 007/01 'c'** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +338 (Carrier type) contains the term 'filmstrip cartridge' in 338$a or code 'gc' in 338$b and so requires a corresponding 007/01 (Specific material designation) code 'c' (filmstrip cartridge). See: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380111--> **338: needs matching 007/01 'd'** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +338 (Carrier type) contains the term 'filmslip' in 338$a or code 'gd' in 338$b and so requires a corresponding 007/01 (Specific material designation) code 'd' (filmslip). See: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380112--> **338: needs matching 007/01 'f'** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +338 (Carrier type) contains the term 'filmstrip' in 338$a or code 'gf' in 338$b and so requires a corresponding 007/01 (Specific material designation) code 'f' (filmstrip, type unspecified). See: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380113--> **338: needs matching 007/01 's'** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +338 (Carrier type) contains the term 'slide' in 338$a or code 'gs' in 338$b and so requires a corresponding 007/01 (Specific material designation) code 's' (slide). See: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380114--> **338: needs matching 007/01 't'** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +338 (Carrier type) contains the term 'overhead transparency' in 338$a or code 'gt' in 338$b and so requires a corresponding 007/01 (Specific material designation) code 't' (transparency). See: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380115--> **338: needs matching 007/01 'z'** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +338 (Carrier type) contains the term 'other' in 338$a or code 'gz' in 338$b and so requires a corresponding 007/01 (Specific material designation) code 'z' (Other). See: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380116--> **338: needs matching 007/01 'a'** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +338 (Carrier type) contains the term 'aperture card' in 338$a or code 'ha' in 338$b and so requires a corresponding 007/01 (Specific material designation) code 'a' (aperture card). See: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380117--> **338: needs matching 007/01 'b'** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +338 (Carrier type) contains the term 'microfilm cartridge' in 338$a or code 'hb' in 338$b and so requires a corresponding 007/01 (Specific material designation) code 'b' (microfilm cartridge). See: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380118--> **338: needs matching 007/01 'c'** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +338 (Carrier type) contains the term 'microfilm cassette' in 338$a or code 'hc' in 338$b and so requires a corresponding 007/01 (Specific material designation) code 'c' (microfilm cassette). See: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380119--> **338: needs matching 007/01 'd'** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +338 (Carrier type) contains the term 'microfilm reel' in 338$a or code 'hd' in 338$b and so requires a corresponding 007/01 (Specific material designation) code 'd' (microfilm reel). See: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380120--> **338: needs matching 007/01 'e'** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +338 (Carrier type) contains the term 'microfiche' in 338$a or code 'he' in 338$b and so requires a corresponding 007/01 (Specific material designation) code 'e' (microfiche). See: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380121--> **338: needs matching 007/01 'f'** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +338 (Carrier type) contains the term 'microfiche cassette' in 338$a or code 'hf' in 338$b and so requires a corresponding 007/01 (Specific material designation) code 'f' (microfiche cassette). See: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380122--> **338: needs matching 007/01 'g'** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +338 (Carrier type) contains the term 'microopaque' in 338$a or code 'hg' in 338$b and so requires a corresponding 007/01 (Specific material designation) code 'g' (microopaque). See: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380123--> **338: needs matching 007/01 'h'** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +338 (Carrier type) contains the term 'microfilm slip' in 338$a or code 'hh' in 338$b and so requires a corresponding 007/01 (Specific material designation) code 'h' (microfilm slip). See: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380124--> **338: needs matching 007/01 'j'** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +338 (Carrier type) contains the term 'microfilm roll' in 338$a or code 'hj' in 338$b and so requires a corresponding 007/01 (Specific material designation) code 'j' (microfilm roll). See: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380125--> **338: needs matching 007/01 'z'** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +338 (Carrier type) contains the term 'other' in 338$a or code 'hz' in 338$b and so requires a corresponding 007/01 (Specific material designation) code 'z' (Other). See: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380126--> **338: needs matching 007/01 'c'** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +338 (Carrier type) contains the term 'film cartridge' in 338$a or code 'mc' in 338$b and so requires a corresponding 007/01 (Specific material designation) code 'c' (film cartridge). See: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380127--> **338: needs matching 007/01 'f'** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +338 (Carrier type) contains the term 'film cassette' in 338$a or code 'mf' in 338$b and so requires a corresponding 007/01 (Specific material designation) code 'f' (film cassette). See: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380128--> **338: needs matching 007/01 'o'** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +338 (Carrier type) contains the term 'film roll' in 338$a or code 'mo' in 338$b and so requires a corresponding 007/01 (Specific material designation) code 'o' (film roll). See: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380129--> **338: needs matching 007/01 'r'** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +338 (Carrier type) contains the term 'film reel' in 338$a or code 'mr' in 338$b and so requires a corresponding 007/01 (Specific material designation) code 'r' (film reel). See: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380130--> **338: needs matching 007/01 'z'** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +338 (Carrier type) contains the term 'other' in 338$a or code 'mz' in 338$b and so requires a corresponding 007/01 (Specific material designation) code 'z' (Other). See: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380131--> **338: needs matching 007/01 'd'** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +338 (Carrier type) contains the term 'audio disc' in 338$a or code 'sd' in 338$b and so requires a corresponding 007/01 (Specific material designation) code 'd' (Sound disc). See: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380132--> **338: needs matching 007/01 'e'** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +338 (Carrier type) contains the term 'audio cylinder' in 338$a or code 'se' in 338$b and so requires a corresponding 007/01 (Specific material designation) code 'e' (Cylinder). See: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380133--> **338: needs matching 007/01 'g'** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +338 (Carrier type) contains the term 'audio cartridge' in 338$a or code 'sg' in 338$b and so requires a corresponding 007/01 (Specific material designation) code 'g' (Sound cassette). See: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380134--> **338: needs matching 007/01 'i'** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +338 (Carrier type) contains the term 'sound-track reel' in 338$a or code 'si' in 338$b and so requires a corresponding 007/01 (Specific material designation) code 'd' (Sound-track film). See: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380135--> **338: needs matching 007/01 'q'** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +338 (Carrier type) contains the term 'audio roll' in 338$a or code 'sq' in 338$b and so requires a corresponding 007/01 (Specific material designation) code 'q' (Roll). See: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380136--> **338: needs matching 007/01 's'** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +338 (Carrier type) contains the term 'audiocassette' in 338$a or code 'ss' in 338$b and so requires a corresponding 007/01 (Specific material designation) code 's' (Sound cassette). See: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380137--> **338: needs matching 007/01 't'** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +338 (Carrier type) contains the term 'audiotape reel' in 338$a or code 'st' in 338$b and so requires a corresponding 007/01 (Specific material designation) code 't' (Sound-tape reel). See: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380138--> **338: needs matching 007/01 'z'** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +338 (Carrier type) contains the term 'other' in 338$a or code 'sz' in 338$b and so requires a corresponding 007/01 (Specific material designation) code 'z' (Other). See: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380139--> **338: needs matching 007/01 'c'** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +338 (Carrier type) contains the term 'video cartridge' in 338$a or code 'vc' in 338$b and so requires a corresponding 007/01 (Specific material designation) code 'c' (videocartridge). See: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380140--> **338: needs matching 007/01 'd'** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +338 (Carrier type) contains the term 'videodisc' in 338$a or code 'vd' in 338$b and so requires a corresponding 007/01 (Specific material designation) code 'd' (videodisc). See: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380141--> **338: needs matching 007/01 'f'** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +338 (Carrier type) contains the term 'videocassette' in 338$a or code 'vf' in 338$b and so requires a corresponding 007/01 (Specific material designation) code 'f' (videocassette). See: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380142--> **338: needs matching 007/01 'r'** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +338 (Carrier type) contains the term 'videotape reel' in 338$a or code 'vr' in 338$b and so requires a corresponding 007/01 (Specific material designation) code 'r' (videoreel). See: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380143--> **338: needs matching 007/01 'z'** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +338 (Carrier type) contains the term 'other' in 338$a or code 'vz' in 338$b and so requires a corresponding 007/01 (Specific material designation) code 'z' (Other). See: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380144--> **338: needs matching 007/01 'u'** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +338 (Carrier type) contains the term 'other' or 'unspecified' in 338$a or code 'zu' in 338$b and so requires a corresponding 007/01 (Specific material designation) code 'u' (unspecified). See: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=43380145--> **338: 'object' needs 000/06 'r'** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA) </html>\\
 +338 (Carrier type) contains the term 'object' in 338$a or code 'nr' in 338$b and so requires a corresponding 000/06 (Type of record) code 'r' (Three-dimensional artifact or naturally occurring object). See: http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/rdacarrier.html
 +<!-- Id=45000001--> **500: Do not use abbreviation** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only) </html>\\
 +500 $a (General note): Under RDA we do not abbreviate facsimile(s) as 'facsim.', revised as 'rev.', preface as 'pref.', or title page as 't.p.'. Replace the abbreviation with the full wording.
 +=====Modified Flags=====
 +<!-- Id=20000044--> **%t: Subf $h not used in headings** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="color:gray;">Flag changed to: </span><span style="color:blue;">None &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; </span><span style="color:gray;">Flag was: </span><span style="color:navy;">AACR and RDA</span></html>\\
 +%t: Subfield $h (medium) is valid in MARC21, but LCRI 21.29 says: 'Do not use a GMD in added entries for titles'; and OCLC says 'Do not use' Subf $h in these fields.
 +<!-- Id=20000049--> **000/18: 'i' should be 'a'?** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="color:gray;">Flag changed to: </span><span style="color:blue;">None &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; </span><span style="color:gray;">Flag was: </span><span style="color:navy;">AACR and RDA</span></html>\\
 +000/18 (Descriptive cataloging form) is coded 'i' (ISBD punctuation included), but, since this appears to be an AACR record (040 $e is not present) this position should probably be coded 'a' (AACR 2) unless this is an old pre-AACR record. 
 +<!-- Id=20080005--> **008/23: Check Form code [BK]** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="color:gray;">Flag changed to: </span><span style="color:blue;">AACR Only &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; </span><span style="color:gray;">Flag was: </span><span style="color:navy;">AACR and RDA</span></html>\\
 +008/23 [BK] (Form of item) is coded 'r' (Regular print repr.) but there is no 533 photocopy note. If your item is a photocopy, add a note, if not, then either the code is wrong, or this record does not match your item, and you need to make a new record.
 +<!-- Id=20080036--> **008/11: Check (c) date in 260$c** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="color:gray;">Flag changed to: </span><span style="color:blue;">AACR and RDA &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; </span><span style="color:gray;">Flag was: </span><span style="color:navy;">RDA Only</span></html>\\
 +008/06 (Type of date) is coded 't' (Publication date and copyright date), so Date 2 must match a copyright date in the 260 $c; but there does not appear to be such a date present, or the dates do not match. Watch out for 'c' instead of the copyright symbol or complete word to indicate a copyright date.
 +<!-- Id=20080069--> **008/11: Check (c) date in 260$c** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="color:gray;">Flag changed to: </span><span style="color:blue;">AACR and RDA &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; </span><span style="color:gray;">Flag was: </span><span style="color:navy;">AACR Only</span></html>\\
 +008/06 (Type of date) is coded 't' (Publication date and copyright date), so Date 2 must match a copyright date in the 260 $c; but there does not appear to be an added copyright date present in 260 $c, or if there is, it does not match 008/Date 2.
 +<!-- Id=23000041--> **300: $b needs 'ports.'** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="color:gray;">Flag changed to: </span><span style="color:blue;">AACR Only &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; </span><span style="color:gray;">Flag was: </span><span style="color:navy;">AACR and RDA</span></html>\\
 +300 subfield $b (Other physical details) needs 'port.' or 'ports.', since 008/18-21 (Illustrations) is coded 'c' (Portraits); e.g., $bill., port. Check the item and either provide 300$b details, or change the coding in 008/18-21 to blanks.
 +<!-- Id=33006320--> **300: Ends in period if 4XX** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="color:gray;">Flag changed to: </span><span style="color:blue;">None &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; </span><span style="color:gray;">Flag was: </span><span style="color:navy;">AACR and RDA</span></html>\\
 +300 (Physical description field): ISBD punctuation requires a period at the end of this field (even if it ends in a closing parenthesis) whenever it is followed by a 4XX field (Series Statement)--LC PCC PS 1.7.1 
 +<!-- Id=33996320--> **300: End of field punct. needed** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="color:gray;">Flag changed to: </span><span style="color:blue;">None &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; </span><span style="color:gray;">Flag was: </span><span style="color:navy;">AACR and RDA</span></html>\\
 +300 (Physical description field): ISBD punctuation requires a closing mark of punctuation (a period, closing parenthesis, angle bracket, square bracket, etc.)
 +<!-- Id=42600004--> **260: $c Invalid copyright symbol** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="color:gray;">Flag changed to: </span><span style="color:blue;">AACR and RDA &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; </span><span style="color:gray;">Flag was: </span><span style="color:navy;">RDA Only</span></html>\\
 +260 subfield $c (Date of publication, etc.) contains a symbol that is not a valid copyright symbol before the copyright date; press F3 to replace it with a valid symbol, or precede the date by either 'phonogram' or 'copyright' 
 +<!-- Id=43000007--> **300: $b needs 'portraits'** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="color:gray;">Flag changed to: </span><span style="color:blue;">AACR and RDA &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; </span><span style="color:gray;">Flag was: </span><span style="color:navy;">RDA Only</span></html>\\
 +300 subfield $b (Other physical details) needs 'portrait' or 'portraits', since 008/18-21 (Illustrations) is coded 'c' (Portraits); e.g., '$bportrait' or '$billustrations, portraits' . Check the item and either provide 300$b details, or change the 008 Illustrations coding to blanks. 
 +<!-- Id=43300001--> **%t: Remove punct. after subf $%p** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="color:gray;">Flag changed to: </span><span style="color:blue;">AACR and RDA &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; </span><span style="color:gray;">Flag was: </span><span style="color:navy;">RDA Only</span></html>\\
 +Subfields $a and $b in fields 336 (Content Type), 337 (Media Type), and 338 (Carrier Type) contain only values from the MARC codelists and do not end in punctuation.
 +=====Modified Brief Messages=====
 +<!-- Id=22600009--> **260: Do not repeat Ind 1 = '0'** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA)  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="color:gray;">Message changed from: </span><span style="color:navy;">260: Check Indicator 1</span></html>\\
 +260 (Publication, etc.) is repeated in this record, so the first indicator for each succeeding field must contain either a '2' (Intervening publisher) or '3' (Current/latest publisher) to explain the repetition. 
 +<!-- Id=22600011--> **260: Repeated place needs $a** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA)  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="color:gray;">Message changed from: </span><span style="color:navy;">260: $a repeated $a missing</span></html>\\
 +260 subfield $a (Place of publication, etc.) includes a ' ; ' (ISBD punctuation for a repeated 'Place of publication), but no subfield $a follows the semicolon. Check the field and add the missing subfield $a after the ' ;' if the semicolon does indeed introduce an additional 'Place of publication'.
 +<!-- Id=22600017--> **260: $c seems to have no date** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR Only)  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="color:gray;">Message changed from: </span><span style="color:navy;">260: $c has no date</span></html>\\
 +260 subfield $c (Date of publication, etc.) contains no text resembling a date (YYYY). Check whether this subfield $c has been miscoded, and should be coded as another subfield (such as $a for Place, $b for Publisher, etc.)
 +<!-- Id=25000004--> **588: Based on note missing** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA)  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="color:gray;">Message changed from: </span><span style="color:navy;">500: Based on note missing</span></html>\\
 +This serial record has no 362, so it is not describing the first issue. Add a 588 'Description based on:' note to indicate the issue of the serial that was used as the basis for the description in this record.
 +<!-- Id=25330001--> **%t: Subf $7 length incorrect** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA)  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="color:gray;">Message changed from: </span><span style="color:navy;">%t: Subfield $7 is fixed length</span></html>\\
 +Subfield 7 of the %t is a fixed length field and must be 15 characters long. Any positions not coded must be filled with a blank or the fill character (|). Also, the end of field punctuation must precede the $7 and not follow it.
 +<!-- Id=26550002--> **%t: Subf $2 requires Ind2 = '7'** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA)  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="color:gray;">Message changed from: </span><span style="color:navy;">%t: Subf $2 present but I2 <> 7</span></html>\\
 +%t (Subject Added Entry) subfield $2 (Source) contains a code that identifies the source list from which the subject heading was assigned, so Indicator 2 (Source of heading) must be coded '7' (Source specified in subfield $2). 
 +<!-- Id=29050002--> **%t: Subf $5 requires Ind2 = '4'** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA)  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="color:gray;">Message changed from: </span><span style="color:navy;">%t: Subf $5 present, but I2 <> 4</span></html>\\
 +This tag contains subfield $5 (Institution to which field applies), so the second indicator value must be '4' (Assigned by agency other than LC)
 +<!-- Id=29500018--> **555: $i needed if $w/0 is 'i'** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA)  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="color:gray;">Message changed from: </span><span style="color:navy;">555: $i beeded  if $w/0 is 'i'</span></html>\\
 +555 (See also from tracing--Genre/Form terms): $w (Control subfield) position '0' (Special relationship) is 'i' (Reference instruction phrase in subfield i), so $i (Reference instruction phrase) must be present
 +<!-- Id=30000003--> **%t: No punct. after subfield $%p** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA)  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="color:gray;">Message changed from: </span><span style="color:navy;">%t: No punct. after Subfield %p</span></html>\\
 +Tag %t ends with a numeric subfield ($%p). When a tag ends with a numeric subfield, end of field punctuation (if defined by that tag's input conventions) should precede the numeric subfield; there is no punctuation after the numeric subfield itself. --If the subfield in question ends with an abbreviation you may ignore this message.
 +<!-- Id=30000005--> **%t: Does not end in punct.** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA)  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="color:gray;">Message changed from: </span><span style="color:navy;">%t: Should not end in punct.</span></html>\\
 +Tag %t: This field does not end with closing punctuation unless the last word in the field contains it (as in an abbreviation, initial, etc.)
 +<!-- Id=30000013--> **%t: Remove end punct from subf $%p** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA)  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="color:gray;">Message changed from: </span><span style="color:navy;">%t: No end punct in subf $%p</span></html>\\
 +MARC Coded values do not end in punctuation, even if they appear at the end of a field. Remove the offending punctuation and validate the record again.
 +<!-- Id=31001001--> **%t: Subf $b requires Ind1 = '0'** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA)  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="color:gray;">Message changed from: </span><span style="color:navy;">%t: Subf b present and Ind1 <> 0</span></html>\\
 +%t subfield $b (Numeration) is only used for a personal name that is a forename only (e.g., $aElizabeth$bII). If the name in this field is for a forename only, change Indicator 1 (Type of personal name entry element) to '0'; if the $b is miscoded, correct it.
 +<!-- Id=32466320--> **246: Does not end in punct.** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA)  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="color:gray;">Message changed from: </span><span style="color:navy;">246: Should not end in punct.</span></html>\\
 +246 (Varying form of title) does not end with closing punctuation unless the last word in the field contains it (as in an abbreviation, initial, etc.). No punctuation precedes subfield $f, unless the item preceding it is an abbreviation, etc.
 +<!-- Id=32496320--> **%t: Does not end in punct.** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA)  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="color:gray;">Message changed from: </span><span style="color:navy;">%t: Should not end in punct.</span></html>\\
 +%t (Title field): This field does not end with closing punctuation unless the last word in the field contains it (as in an abbreviation, initial, etc.)
 +<!-- Id=32601011--> **%t: No period after ')'** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA)  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="color:gray;">Message changed from: </span><span style="color:navy;">260: No period after ')'</span></html>\\
 +%t (Publication, etc.) ends with ').', but ISBD punctuation does not require an ending period if this field ends with a closing parens. Delete the period at the end of the field.
 +<!-- Id=32601012--> **%t: No period after '-'** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA)  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="color:gray;">Message changed from: </span><span style="color:navy;">260: No period after '-'</span></html>\\
 +%t (Publication, etc.) ends with '-.', but ISBD punctuation does not require an ending period if this field ends with an open dash. Delete the period at the end of the field.
 +<!-- Id=32601013--> **%t: No period after '>'** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA)  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="color:gray;">Message changed from: </span><span style="color:navy;">260: No period after '>'</span></html>\\
 +%t (Publication, etc.) ends with '>.', but ISBD punctuation does not require an ending period if this field ends with an angle bracket. Delete the period at the end of the field.
 +<!-- Id=32605972--> **260: $a needs space before ';'** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA)  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="color:gray;">Message changed from: </span><span style="color:navy;">260: $a needs space before ':'</span></html>\\
 +260 $a: ISBD punctuation says the blank space must come before the semi-colon, not after it.
 +<!-- Id=34406320--> **440: Does not end in punct** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA)  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="color:gray;">Message changed from: </span><span style="color:navy;">440: Should not end in punct</span></html>\\
 +440 (Series Statement):This field does not end with closing punctuation unless the last word in the field contains it (as in an abbreviation, initial, etc.)
 +<!-- Id=34906320--> **490: Does not end in punct.** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA)  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="color:gray;">Message changed from: </span><span style="color:navy;">490: Should not end in punct.</span></html>\\
 +490 (Series Statement):This field does not end with closing punctuation unless the last word in the field contains it (as in an abbreviation, initial, etc.)
 +<!-- Id=35866320--> **586: Does not end in punct.** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA)  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="color:gray;">Message changed from: </span><span style="color:navy;">586: Should not end in punct.</span></html>\\
 +586 (Awards note): This field does not end with a closing mark of punctuation unless the last word in the field contains it (as in an abbreviation, initial, etc.)
 +<!-- Id=36536320--> **653: Does not end in punct.** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA)  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="color:gray;">Message changed from: </span><span style="color:navy;">653: Should not end in punct.</span></html>\\
 +653 (Uncontrolled Index term): This field does not end with a closing mark of punctuation or a closing parenthesis unless the closing punctuation is part of the data.
 +<!-- Id=37996320--> **%t: Does not end in punct.** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA)  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="color:gray;">Message changed from: </span><span style="color:navy;">%t: Should not end in punct.</span></html>\\
 +Tag %t (Linking Entry field) does not end in punctuation unless subfield $a is the only subfield present in the field.
 +<!-- Id=42450002--> **245: $c Do not use [et al.]** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only)  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="color:gray;">Message changed from: </span><span style="color:navy;">245: $c Don't use [et al.]</span></html>\\
 +245 subfield $c (Statement of responsibility, etc.): RDA does not allow the use of the abbreviation '[et al.]'. Enter all of the statements of responsibility listed on the resource, or replace the abbreviation with a simple phrase (e.g., 'and others', or 'and other authors', etc.)
 +<!-- Id=42500001--> **250: $a Check abbreviation 'ed.'** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only)  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="color:gray;">Message changed from: </span><span style="color:navy;">250: Check abbr. 'ed.' in $a</span></html>\\
 +250 subfield $a (Edition statement): RDA says: do not use the abbreviation 'ed.' unless the abbreviation is found on the resource itself; if the word is spelled out on the item, then enter the word as it is spelled (eg. 'edition', 'edición', 'édition', etc.)
 +<!-- Id=42500002--> **250: $a Check ordinal number** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only)  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="color:gray;">Message changed from: </span><span style="color:navy;">250: $a check ordinal</span></html>\\
 +250 subfield $a (Edition statement) contains an ordinal (e.g., '1st' instead of 'First'). RDA's principle of representation' requires that we put down what we see on a resource as its edition statement, so check that the edition number has been entered correctly (AACR had us use ordinals) 
 +=====Modified Notes=====
 +<!-- Id=20000003--> **%t: Check empty subfield $%p** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA)  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="color:gray;">Note changed</span></html>\\
 +**To: **The %t tag contains an empty subfield $%p; either enter appropriate data or delete the subfield.\\
 +**From: ** <html><span style="color:gray;">The %t contains a subfield $%p with no data. This subfield should be completed or deleted.</span></html>
 +<!-- Id=20000004--> **%t: Check empty tag** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA)  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="color:gray;">Note changed</span></html>\\
 +**To: **The %t tag contains no data; either enter appropriate data or delete the field.\\
 +**From: ** <html><span style="color:gray;">The %t in this record contains no data. It should be completed or deleted.</span></html>
 +<!-- Id=20000011--> **%t: Subfield delimiter expected** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA)  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="color:gray;">Note changed</span></html>\\
 +**To: **Instead of the MARC subfield delimiter, another character was found before the first subfield code in this tag. Note: press <Ctrl>D to enter the MARC subfield delimiter in the 'MARC view' of this program. (Fixing this problem may also resolve other problems reported for this tag)\\
 +**From: ** <html><span style="color:gray;">Instead of the MARC subfield delimiter, another character was found.</span></html>
 +<!-- Id=20000039--> **%t: Invalid character (%c)** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA)  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="color:gray;">Note changed</span></html>\\
 +**To: **Fixed field %t contains a character (ASCII value %c at position %p in the field) that is invalid. Only numbers, lowercase letters, blank spaces, and the fill character ('|') are valid in a fixed field. Press <F1> for a list of valid codes.\\
 +**From: ** <html><span style="color:gray;">Fixed field %t contains a character (ASCII value %c at position %p in the field) that is invalid. Only numbers, lowercase letters, blank spaces, and the fill character ('|') are valid in a fixed field. Press F1 for a list of valid codes.</span></html>
 +<!-- Id=20000041--> **%t: Repeated MARC delimiter(s)** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA)  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="color:gray;">Note changed</span></html>\\
 +**To: **Tag %t contains consecutive MARC delimiters within the field. It may be possible to fix the problem be deleting the repeated delimiter characters; if not, it might be best deleting the field and re-entering it.\\
 +**From: ** <html><span style="color:gray;">Tag %t contains one or more consecutive MARC delimiters within the field. It may be possible to fix the problem be deleting the repeated delimiter characters; if not, it might be best deleting the field and re-entering it.</span></html>
 +<!-- Id=20020201--> **001: Old LCCN not normalized** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA)  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="color:gray;">Note changed</span></html>\\
 +**To: **001 (Contol number) contains an old (pre-2001) LCCN that must be normalized as '###nnnnnnnn#': '###' (three blank spaces or a valid, lower case, left-justified prefix), 'nn' (two digits) 'nnnnnn' (6 digits, zero-filled) '#' (a blank space), e.g., ###95000123#\\
 +**From: ** <html><span style="color:gray;">001 (Contol number) contains an old (pre-2001) LCCN that must be normalized as '###nnnnnnnn#':  '###' (three blank spaces or a valid, lower case, left-justified prefix), 'nn' (two digits) 'nnnnnn' (6 digits, zero-filled) '#' (a blank space), e.g., "###95000123#"</span></html>
 +<!-- Id=20020210--> **010: Old LCCN not normalized** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA)  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="color:gray;">Note changed</span></html>\\
 +**To: **010 (LCCN) contains an old (pre-2001) LCCN that must be normalized as '###nnnnnnnn#': '###' (three blank spaces or a valid, lower case, left-justified prefix), 'nn' (two digits) 'nnnnnn' (6 digits, zero-filled) '#' (a blank space), e.g., ###95000123#\\
 +**From: ** <html><span style="color:gray;">010 (LCCN) contains an old (pre-2001) LCCN that must be normalized as '###nnnnnnnn#':  '###' (three blank spaces or a valid, lower case, left-justified prefix), 'nn' (two digits) 'nnnnnn' (6 digits, zero-filled) '#' (a blank space), e.g., "###95000123#"</span></html>
 +<!-- Id=20020401--> **001: New LCCN not normalized** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA)  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="color:gray;">Note changed</span></html>\\
 +**To: **001 (Contol number) contains a new (2001-) LCCN that must be normalized as '##nnnnnnnn': '##' (two blank spaces or a valid, lower case, left-justified prefix), 'nnnn' (four digits) 'nnnnnn' (6 digits, zero-filled), e.g., '##2001000123\\
 +**From: ** <html><span style="color:gray;">001 (Contol number) contains a new (2001-) LCCN that must be normalized as '##nnnnnnnn':  '##' (two blank spaces or a valid, lower case, left-justified prefix), 'nnnn' (four digits) 'nnnnnn' (6 digits, zero-filled), e.g., '"##2001000123"</span></html>
 +<!-- Id=20020410--> **010: New LCCN not normalized** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA)  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="color:gray;">Note changed</span></html>\\
 +**To: **010 (LCCN) contains a new (2001-) LCCN that must be normalized as '##nnnnnnnn': '##' (two blank spaces or a valid, lower case, left-justified prefix), 'nnnn' (four digits) 'nnnnnn' (6 digits, zero-filled), e.g., '##2001000123).\\
 +**From: ** <html><span style="color:gray;">010 (LCCN) contains a new (2001-) LCCN that must be normalized as '##nnnnnnnn':  '##' (two blank spaces or a valid, lower case, left-justified prefix), 'nnnn' (four digits) 'nnnnnn' (6 digits, zero-filled), e.g., '"##2001000123").</span></html>
 +<!-- Id=20070008--> **007/03: Left-justify single code** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA)  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="color:gray;">Note changed</span></html>\\
 +**To: **007/03-04 (Class of braille writing) coding must be left-justified if only one code is entered (e.g., a# not #a).\\
 +**From: ** <html><span style="color:gray;">007/03-04 (Class of braille writing) coding must be left-justified if only one code is entered (e.g., "a#" not "#a").</span></html>
 +<!-- Id=20080009--> **008/06: Check Pub. status code** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA)  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="color:gray;">Note changed</span></html>\\
 +**To: **008/06 (Publication status) should be coded 'u' when 008/11/14 (Date 2) is coded 'uuuu', indicating continuing resource status is 'unknown'.\\
 +**From: ** <html><span style="color:gray;">008/06 (Publication status) should be coded 'u' when 008/11/14 (Date 2) is coded 'uuuu' for unknown.</span></html>
 +<!-- Id=20200004--> **020: ISBN may not be valid** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA)  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="color:gray;">Note changed</span></html>\\
 +**To: **020$a (Valid ISBN) should be changed to $z (Invalid ISBN) if the ISBN in this record for an electronic resource (245$h (GMD) contains 'electronic resource', and 533$a contains 'Electronic reproduction') has already been applied to a print version of this resource. See: http://www.marcofquality.com/soft/help/ebooks.html#b\\
 +**From: ** <html><span style="color:gray;">020$a (Valid ISBN) should be changed to $z (Invalid ISBN) if the ISBN in this record for an electronic resource has already been applied to a print version of this resource (245$h  contains 'electronic resource', and 533$a contains 'Electronic reproduction' or tag 776, Additional Physical Form Entry, is present). See: http://www.marcofquality.com/soft/help/ebooks.html#b </span></html>
 +<!-- Id=20400003--> **040: subf $b is not 'eng'** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA)  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="color:gray;">Note changed</span></html>\\
 +**To: **040 (cataloging source) subfield $b (Language of cataloging) is present in this record but is not coded ‘eng’. If this record is intended for use in an OPAC that uses English as its language, then you may need to replace this record with one that is cataloged in English. \\
 +**From: ** <html><span style="color:gray;">040 subfield $b (Language of cataloging) is present in this record and is not ‘eng’. If this record is intended for use in an OPAC that uses English as its language, then you need to replace this record with one that is cataloged in English. </span></html>
 +<!-- Id=22450002--> **245: $h GMD missing--FM** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR Only)  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="color:gray;">Note changed</span></html>\\
 +**To: **245 subfield $h (GMD) is not present, but 300 $a (Extent) contains 'filmstrip', and 000/06 (Type of record) is 'g'; so if the record is, indeed, describing a filmstrip, add $h[filmstrip]\\
 +**From: ** <html><span style="color:gray;">245 subfield ±h (GMD) is not present, but 300±a (Extent) contains 'filmstrip', and 000/06 (Type of record) is 'g'; so if the record is, indeed, describing a filmstrip, add ±h[filmstrip]</span></html>
 +<!-- Id=22450003--> **245: $h GMD missing--MP** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR Only)  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="color:gray;">Note changed</span></html>\\
 +**To: **245 subfield $h (GMD) is not present, but 300$a (Extent) contains 'film ...' or 'reel', and 000/06 (Type of record) is 'g'; so if the record is, indeed, describing a motion picture, add $h[motion picture]\\
 +**From: ** <html><span style="color:gray;">±a245 subfield ±h (GMD) is not present, but 300±a (Extent) contains 'film ...' or 'reel', and 000/06 (Type of record) is 'g'; so if the record is, indeed, describing a motion picture, add ±h[motion picture]</span></html>
 +<!-- Id=22450004--> **245: $h GMD missing--SR** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR Only)  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="color:gray;">Note changed</span></html>\\
 +**To: **245 subfield $h (GMD) is not present, but 300 $a (Extent) contains 'sound ...', and 000/06 (Type of record) is 'i' or 'j'; so if the record is, indeed, describing a sound recording, add $h[sound recording]\\
 +**From: ** <html><span style="color:gray;">245 subfield ±h (GMD) is not present, but 300±a (Extent) contains 'sound ...', and 000/06 (Type of record) is 'i' or 'j'; so if the record is, indeed, describing a sound recording, add ±h[sound recording]</span></html>
 +<!-- Id=22450005--> **245: $h GMD missing--VD** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR Only)  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="color:gray;">Note changed</span></html>\\
 +**To: **245 subfield $h (GMD) is not present, but 300 $a (Extent) contains 'video...', and 000/06 (Type of record) is 'g'; so if the record is, indeed, describing a videorecording, add $h[videorecording]\\
 +**From: ** <html><span style="color:gray;">245 subfield ±h (GMD) is not present, but 300±a (Extent) contains 'video...', and 000/06 (Type of record) is 'g'; so if the record is, indeed, describing a videorecording, add ±h[videorecording]</span></html>
 +<!-- Id=22600001--> **260: $c missing** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR Only)  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="color:gray;">Note changed</span></html>\\
 +**To: **260 subfield $c (Date of publication, etc.) is missing from this monographic record. Unless the resource is a naturally occurring object (for which we do not record a date), find the resource and add a date of publication, even if you have to guess (AACR 1.4F7)\\
 +**From: ** <html><span style="color:gray;">260 subfield $c (Date of publication, etc.) is missing from this non-serial record. Unless the resource is a naturally occurring object (for which we do not record a date), find the resource and add a date of publication, even if you have to guess (AACR 1.4F7)</span></html>
 +<!-- Id=22600008--> **260: $a <> 008 Ctry** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA)  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="color:gray;">Note changed</span></html>\\
 +**To: **260 subfield $a (Place of publication, etc.) does not match 008/15 (Ctry code). If you think this message is in error, please check the Country Code/Placename table (ctryplace.txt) found in the lists subdirectory of your MarcReport options folder. For customization info, see: http://www.marcofquality.com/w/doku.php?id=235:countryplace\\
 +**From: ** <html><span style="color:gray;">260 subfield $a (Place of publication, etc.) does not match 008/15 (Ctry code). If you think this message is in error, please check the "Country Code/Placename table" (ctryplace.txt) found in the lists subdirectory of your MarcReport options folder. For customization info, see: http://www.marcofquality.com/w/doku.php?id=235:countryplace</span></html>
 +<!-- Id=22610001--> **261: Old cataloging (pre-AACR1)** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA)  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="color:gray;">Note changed</span></html>\\
 +**To: **261 is now 'Local content' but is old cataloging, pre-AACR1. WAS: Imprint statement for films. NOW: Use an appropriate 264 instead, UPGRADE record to RDA, ensure 040$e is 'rda', and change 000 Desc to 'i'.\\
 +**From: ** <html><span style="color:gray;">261 is now 'Local content' but is old cataloging, pre-AACR1. WAS: Imprint statement for films. NOW: Use 260 instead, UPGRADE record to AACR2 and change 000 Desc to 'a'.</span></html>
 +<!-- Id=22620001--> **262: Old cataloging (pre-AACR2)** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA)  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="color:gray;">Note changed</span></html>\\
 +**To: **262 is now 'Local content' but is old cataloging, pre-AACR2. WAS: Imprint statement for sound recordings. NOW: Use an appropriate 264 instead, UPGRADE record to RDA, ensure 040$e is 'rda', and change 000 Desc to 'i'.\\
 +**From: ** <html><span style="color:gray;">262 is now 'Local content' but is old cataloging, pre-AACR2. WAS: Imprint statement for sound recordings. NOW: Use 260 instead, UPGRADE record to AACR2 and change 000 Desc to 'a'.</span></html>
 +<!-- Id=23000025--> **300: $a probable CIP record** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA)  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="color:gray;">Note changed</span></html>\\
 +**To: **300 subfield $a (Extent) contains 'p. cm' or 'pages cm', so this record needs CIP upgrading. Find the item; check all fields for accuracy; add physical description; delete 263 if present; change Rec stat to 'p' and Enc lvl to your level; add your institution code as 040$d.\\
 +**From: ** <html><span style="color:gray;">300 subfield $a (Extent) contains 'p. cm', so this record needs CIP upgrading. Find the item; check all fields for accuracy; add phys. desc. info.; delete 263; change Rec stat to 'p' and Enc lvl to your level; add your institution code as 040$d.</span></html>
 +<!-- Id=30000034--> **%t: Check subfield $f** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA)  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="color:gray;">Note changed</span></html>\\
 +**To: **%t subfield $f: a date in parentheses indicates a Date of Work--this should be given in subfield $a with the title, not subfield $f\\
 +**From: ** <html><span style="color:gray;">%t $f: Date of publication for a title. 'Dates added parenthetically to distinguish between identical titles entered under the same name are not separately subfield coded'--LC. Thus, either remove the subf $f coding, or add a '.' and remove the parens.</span></html>
 +<!-- Id=42600001--> **260: $a missing** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only)  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="color:gray;">Note changed</span></html>\\
 +**To: **260 subfield $a (Place of publication, etc.) is missing. If the resource is published, produced, distributed, or manufactured, then add the missing data, even if only as $a[Place of [publication, production, distribution, manufacture] not identified] \\
 +**From: ** <html><span style="color:gray;">260 subfield $a (Place of publication, etc.) is missing. This is OK if the item is not published, produced, distributed, or manufactured, but if it is published, produced, distributed, or manufactured, then find the item and add the missing data, even if only as $a[Place of [publication, production, distribution, manufacture] not identified]</span></html>
 +<!-- Id=42600002--> **260: $b missing** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only)  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="color:gray;">Note changed</span></html>\\
 +**To: **260 subfield $b (Name of publisher, etc.) is missing. If the resource is published, produced, distributed, or manufactured, then add the missing data, even if only as $b[[publisher, producer, distributor, manufacturer] not identified] \\
 +**From: ** <html><span style="color:gray;">260 subfield $b (Name of publisher, etc.) is missing. This is OK if the item is not not published, produced, distributed, or manufactured, but if it is published, produced, distributed, or manufactured, then find the item and add the missing data, even if only as $b[[publisher, producer, distributor, manufacturer] not identified]</span></html>
 +<!-- Id=42600003--> **260: $c missing** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only)  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="color:gray;">Note changed</span></html>\\
 +**To: **260 subfield $c (Date of publication, etc.) is missing from this non-serial record. If the resource is published, produced, distributed, or manufactured, then add the missing data, even if only as $a[date of [publication, production, distribution, manufacture] not identified] \\
 +**From: ** <html><span style="color:gray;">260 subfield $c (Date of publication, etc.) is missing from this non-serial record. Unless the resource is a naturally occurring object (for which we do not record a date), find the resource and try to guess a date of publication, etc. or enter $c[date of [publication, production, distribution, manufacture] not identified]</span></html>
 +<!-- Id=42600005--> **260: $a Do not use [s.l.]** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only)  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="color:gray;">Note changed</span></html>\\
 +**To: **260 subfield $a (Place of publication, etc.): RDA does not permit the use of the abbreviation '[s.l.]' to indicate an unknown place of publication; enter the phrase [Place of publication not identified] instead. \\
 +**From: ** <html><span style="color:gray;">260 subfield $a (Place of publication, etc.): RDA does not permit the use of the abbreviation '[s.l.]' to indicate an unknown place of publication. The phrase '[Place of publication not identified]' should be entered instead.</span></html>
 +<!-- Id=42600006--> **260: $b Do not use [s.n.]** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only)  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="color:gray;">Note changed</span></html>\\
 +**To: **260 subfield $b (Name of publisher, etc.): RDA does not permit the use of the abbreviation '[s.n.]' to indicate an unknown publisher name; enter the phrase [publisher not identified] instead. \\
 +**From: ** <html><span style="color:gray;">260 subfield $b (Name of publisher, etc.): RDA does not permit the use of the abbreviation '[s.n.]' to indicate an unknown publisher name. The phrase '[Name of publisher not identified]' should be entered instead.</span></html>
 +<!-- Id=42600007--> **260: $c Do not use [n.d.]** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only)  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="color:gray;">Note changed</span></html>\\
 +**To: **260 subfield $c (Date of publication, etc.) contains '[n.d.]'; RDA says we must try to guess a date, or enter $c'[date of publication/production/distribution/manufacture not identified]'  \\
 +**From: ** <html><span style="color:gray;">260 subfield $c (Date of publication, etc.) contains '[n.d.]'; RDA says we must try to guess a date of publication, etc. or enter $c'[date of publication/production/distribution/manufacture not identified]' </span></html>
 +<!-- Id=42600008--> **260: $c Do not use 'c' or 'p'** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only)  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="color:gray;">Note changed</span></html>\\
 +**To: **260 subfield $c (Date of publication, etc.) contains 'c' (or 'p') before a date. RDA does not allow the abbreviation 'c' for copyright (or 'p' for phonogram); press F3 and use the diacritic editor to replace 'c' (or 'p') with a valid symbol; or enter the word 'copyright' (or 'phonogram', as appropriate). \\
 +**From: ** <html><span style="color:gray;">260 subfield $c (Date of publication, etc.) contains 'c' (or 'p') before a date. RDA does not allow the abbreviation 'c' for copyright (or 'p' for phonogram); press F3 (or Ctrl+I in version 2) and use the diacritic editor to replace 'c' (or 'p') with a valid symbol; or enter the word 'copyright' (or 'phonogram', as appropriate). </span></html>
 +<!-- Id=43360001--> **336: Field is required in RDA** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only)  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="color:gray;">Note changed</span></html>\\
 +**To: **336 (Content type) must be present in an RDA record. Add an 336 tag, then press <F1> for a list of applicable RDA values, and add the appropriate value(s) in either subfield $a (Content type term) or subfield $b (content type code), and end the field with subfield $2 (source) 'rdacontent' \\
 +**From: ** <html><span style="color:gray;">336 (Content type) must be present in an RDA record. Press F1 for a list of applicable RDA values, and add the appropriate value(s) in either subfield $a (Content type term) or subfield $b (content type code), and end the field with subfield $2 (source) 'rdacontent' </span></html>
 +<!-- Id=43360003--> **336: subf $2 required** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA)  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="color:gray;">Note changed</span></html>\\
 +**To: **No values in field 336 (Content Type) could be validated against the RDA valuelist for this field. Add a subfield $2 (Source code) to indicate the source of the values used. Code $2 from: Genre/Form Code and Term Source Codes (Press <F1> for a list of codes).\\
 +**From: ** <html><span style="color:gray;">No values in field 336 (Content Type) could be validated against the RDA valuelist for this field. Add a subfield $2 (Source code) to indicate the source of the values used. Code $2 from: Genre/Form Code and Term Source Codes (Press F1 for a list of codes).</span></html>
 +<!-- Id=43360005--> **336: Need rdacontent values** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA)  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="color:gray;">Note changed</span></html>\\
 +**To: **No values in field 336 (Content Type) validated against the RDA Content Type valuelist. If this valuelist is indeed the source of the term(s) used in the field (and subfield $2 indicates that it is), correct or replace the existing values with RDA Content Type values. (Click on the field and press <F1> for a list of RDA terms.)\\
 +**From: ** <html><span style="color:gray;">No values in field 336 (Content Type) validated against the RDA Content Type valuelist. If this valuelist is indeed the source of the term(s) used in the field (and subfield $2 indicates that it is), correct or replace the existing values with RDA Content Type values. (Click on the field and press F1 for a list of RDA terms.)</span></html>
 +<!-- Id=43360006--> **336: Some values do not match $2** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA)  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="color:gray;">Note changed</span></html>\\
 +**To: **Subf $2 (Source code) in field 336 (Content Type) is not 'rdacontent', but some values in this field are present in the RDA Content Type valuelist. Change the non-rdacontent value(s) to 'rdacontent' values (press <F1> for a list), or delete them, or split the values from different sources into separate 336 fields, each with their own appropriate $2.\\
 +**From: ** <html><span style="color:gray;">Subf $2 (Source code) in field 336 (Content Type) is not 'rdacontent', but some values in this field are present in the RDA Content Type valuelist. Change the non-rdacontent value(s) to 'rdacontent' values (press F1 for a list), or delete them, or split the values from different sources into separate 336 fields, each with their own appropriate $2.</span></html>
 +<!-- Id=43360008--> **336: rdacontent missing** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA)  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="color:gray;">Note changed</span></html>\\
 +**To: **336 (Content type) field(s) are present in this RDA record (040$e rda), but no 336 contains a valid rdacontent term or code. Change the term(s) and/or code(s) in one or more of these fields to valid 'rdacontent' values (press <F1> for a list), or add another 336 with valid 'rdacontent' values.\\
 +**From: ** <html><span style="color:gray;">336 (Content type) field(s) are present in this RDA record (040$e rda), but no 336 contains a valid rdacontent term or code. Change the term(s) and/or code(s) in one or more of these fields to valid 'rdacontent' values (press F1 for a list), or add another 336 with valid 'rdacontent' values.</span></html>
 +<!-- Id=43360009--> **336: $a or $b required** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA)  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="color:gray;">Note changed</span></html>\\
 +**To: **336 (Content type) must contain an appropriate term or code in subfield $a (Content type term) and/or subfield $b (Content type code). Press <F1> for a list of appropriate RDA terms and codes and add whatever is appropriate for this work. \\
 +**From: ** <html><span style="color:gray;">336 (Content type) must contain an appropriate term or code in subfield $a (Content type term) and/or subfield $b (Content type code). Press F1 for a list of appropriate RDA terms and codes and add whatever is appropriate for this work. </span></html>
 +<!-- Id=43370001--> **337: Field is required in RDA** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only)  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="color:gray;">Note changed</span></html>\\
 +**To: **337 (Media type) must be present in an RDA record. Add an 337 tag, then press <F1> for a list of applicable RDA values, and add the appropriate value(s) in either subfield $a (Media type term) or subfield $b (Media type code), and end the field with subfield $2 (source) 'rdamedia'.\\
 +**From: ** <html><span style="color:gray;">337 (Media type) must be present in an RDA record. Press F1 for a list of applicable RDA values, and add the appropriate value(s) in either subfield $a (Media type term) or subfield $b (Media type code), and end the field with subfield $2 (source) 'rdamedia'.</span></html>
 +<!-- Id=43370005--> **337: Need rdamedia values** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA)  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="color:gray;">Note changed</span></html>\\
 +**To: **No values in field 337 (Media Type) validated against the RDA Media Type valuelist. If this valuelist is indeed the source of the term(s) used in the field (and subfield $2 indicates that it is), correct or replace the existing values with RDA Media Type values. (Click on the field and press <F1> for a list of RDA terms.)\\
 +**From: ** <html><span style="color:gray;">No values in field 337 (Media Type) validated against the RDA Media Type valuelist. If this valuelist is indeed the source of the term(s) used in the field (and subfield $2 indicates that it is), correct or replace the existing values with RDA Media Type values. (Click on the field and press F1 for a list of RDA terms.)</span></html>
 +<!-- Id=43370006--> **337: Some values do not match $2** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA)  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="color:gray;">Note changed</span></html>\\
 +**To: **Subf $2 (Source code) in field 336 (Media Type) is not 'rdamedia', but some values in this field are present in the RDA Media Type valuelist. Change the non-rdamedia value(s) to 'rdamedia' values (press <F1> for a list), or delete them, or split the values from different sources into separate 337 fields, each with their own appropriate $2.\\
 +**From: ** <html><span style="color:gray;">Subf $2 (Source code) in field 336 (Media Type) is not 'rdamedia', but some values in this field are present in the RDA Media Type valuelist. Change the non-rdamedia value(s) to 'rdamedia' values (press F1 for a list), or delete them, or split the values from different sources into separate 337 fields, each with their own appropriate $2.</span></html>
 +<!-- Id=43370008--> **337: rdamedia missing** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA)  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="color:gray;">Note changed</span></html>\\
 +**To: **337 (Media type) field(s) are present in this record, but no 337 contains a valid rdamedia term or code. Change the term(s) and/or code(s) in one or more of these fields to valid 'rdamedia' values (press <F1> for a list), or add another 337 with valid 'rdamedia' values. \\
 +**From: ** <html><span style="color:gray;">337 (Media type) field(s) are present in this record, but no 337 contains a valid rdamedia term or code. Change the term(s) and/or code(s) in one or more of these fields to valid 'rdamedia' values (press F1 for a list), or add another 337 with valid 'rdamedia' values. </span></html>
 +<!-- Id=43370009--> **337: $a or $b required** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA)  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="color:gray;">Note changed</span></html>\\
 +**To: **337 (Media type) must contain an appropriate term or code in subfield $a (Media type term) and/or subfield $b (Media type code). Press <F1> for a list of appropriate RDA terms and codes and add whatever is appropriate for this work. \\
 +**From: ** <html><span style="color:gray;">337 (Media type) must contain an appropriate term or code in subfield $a (Media type term) and/or subfield $b (Media type code). Press F1 for a list of appropriate RDA terms and codes and add whatever is appropriate for this work. </span></html>
 +<!-- Id=43380001--> **338: Field is required in RDA** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (RDA Only)  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="color:gray;">Note changed</span></html>\\
 +**To: **338 (Carrier type) must be present in an RDA record. Press <F1> for a list of applicable RDA values, and add the appropriate value(s) in either subfield $a (Carrier type term) or subfield $b (Carrier type code), and end the field with subfield $2 (source) 'rdacarrier'.\\
 +**From: ** <html><span style="color:gray;">338 (Carrier type) must be present in an RDA record. Press F1 for a list of applicable RDA values, and add the appropriate value(s) in either subfield $a (Carrier type term) or subfield $b (Carrier type code), and end the field with subfield $2 (source) 'rdacarrier'.</span></html>
 +<!-- Id=43380005--> **338: need rdacarrier values** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA)  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="color:gray;">Note changed</span></html>\\
 +**To: **No values in field 338 (Carrier Type) validated against the RDA Carrier Type valuelist. If this valuelist is indeed the source of the term(s) used in the field (and subfield $2 indicates that it is), correct or replace the existing values with RDA Carrier Type values. (Click on the field and press <F1> for a list of RDA terms.)\\
 +**From: ** <html><span style="color:gray;">No values in field 338 (Carrier Type) validated against the RDA Carrier Type valuelist. If this valuelist is indeed the source of the term(s) used in the field (and subfield $2 indicates that it is), correct or replace the existing values with RDA Carrier Type values. (Click on the field and press F1 for a list of RDA terms.)</span></html>
 +<!-- Id=43380006--> **338: Some values do not match $2** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA)  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="color:gray;">Note changed</span></html>\\
 +**To: **Subf $2 (Source code) in field 336 (Carrier Type) is not 'rdacarrier', but some values in this field are present in the RDA Carrier Type valuelist. Change the non-rdacarrier value(s) to 'rdacarrier' values (press <F1> for a list), or delete them, or split the values from different sources into separate 338 fields, each with their own appropriate $2.\\
 +**From: ** <html><span style="color:gray;">Subf $2 (Source code) in field 336 (Carrier Type) is not 'rdacarrier', but some values in this field are present in the RDA Carrier Type valuelist. Change the non-rdacarrier value(s) to 'rdacarrier' values (press F1 for a list), or delete them, or split the values from different sources into separate 338 fields, each with their own appropriate $2.</span></html>
 +<!-- Id=43380008--> **338: rdacarrier missing** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA)  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="color:gray;">Note changed</span></html>\\
 +**To: **338 (Carrier type) field(s) are present in this record, but no 338 contains a valid rdacarrier term or code. Change the term(s) and/or code(s) in one or more of these fields to valid 'rdacarrier' values (press <F1> for a list), or add another 338 with valid 'rdacarrier' values.\\
 +**From: ** <html><span style="color:gray;">338 (Carrier type) field(s) are present in this record, but no 338  contains a valid rdacarrier term or code. Change the term(s) and/or code(s) in one or more of these fields to valid 'rdacarrier' values (press F1 for a list), or add another 338 with valid 'rdacarrier' values.</span></html>
 +<!-- Id=43380009--> **338: $a or $b required** <html> &nbsp; &nbsp; (AACR and RDA)  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="color:gray;">Note changed</span></html>\\
 +**To: **338 (Carrier type) must contain an appropriate term or code in subfield $a (Carrier type term) and/or subfield $b (Carrier type code). Press <F1> for a list of appropriate RDA terms and codes and add whatever is appropriate for this work. \\
 +**From: ** <html><span style="color:gray;">338 (Carrier type) must contain an appropriate term or code in subfield $a (Carrier type term) and/or subfield $b (Carrier type code). Press F1 for a list of appropriate RDA terms and codes and add whatever is appropriate for this work. </span></html>
240/ccs_changes.txt · Last modified: 2021/12/29 16:21 (external edit)
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