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233:import_export_reviews [2021/12/29 16:21]
233:import_export_reviews [2021/12/29 16:21] (current)
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 +**Sharing MARC Review and MARC Global tasks**
 +MARC Review and MARC Global tasks can easily be shared by exporting the review to an XML file, making that file available to another user, who then imports the XML into their own MARC Report environment.
 +The steps for this are quite simple!
 +To export a MARC Global task:
 +  * Start MARC Global 
 +  * Click the 'Options' button
 +  * Select the 'Import/Export' page
 +  * Click the 'Export a review' button
 +  * Select the review (or autoreview) you want to share
 +  * Click the 'Export' button
 +Thats it. The program will pop-up the name of the XML file it has created. You can then copy that file to shared folder on your network, email it to a colleague (or to us, for troubleshooting), etc.
 +To import an XML file created in this way, simply use the same steps with the 'Import' option:
 +  * Start MARC Global 
 +  * Click the 'Options' button
 +  * Select the 'Import/Export' page
 +  * Click the 'Import a review' button
 +  * Navigate to the XML file you want to import
 +  * Click the 'Open' button
233/import_export_reviews.txt ยท Last modified: 2021/12/29 16:21 (external edit)
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