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MARC Report 242: Cataloging Check Changes

This page is produced by an automated comparison of the current cataloging checks (242) with those of the previous version (241). Message strings have been normalized to prevent slight differences in spacing, punctuation, etc., from being considered a change; but there has been no attempt to otherwise edit this comparison.

Message Ids for each change listed below are available as comments in the markup; you may access this data by viewing or downloading the source of this page.

Added checks

<!– Id=20000056–> 000/06: Record type not ok for 264_0     (AACR and RDA)
000/06 (Type of record) contains a code ('a', 'c', or 'e') that is not compatible with the use of a 264 field for Production data (Indicator 2 = 0). Either change the 264 Indicator 2 to ‘1’ (Publication data), or change the 000/06 to a code that is appropriate for manuscript material: 't' (text), 'd' (notated music), or 'e' (cartographic material).

<!– Id=20080071–> 008/18: Illustrations needs code 'a'     (AACR and RDA)
008/18-21 (Illustrations) should contain code 'a' (illustrations) to code the term(s) provided in 300$b (Other physical details) for which there are no specific codes.

<!– Id=20080072–> 008/18: Ills needs code 'a'     (AACR and RDA)
008/18-21 (Illustrations) should contain code 'a' (Illustrations) to mirror the 'ill.', 'illustration', or 'illustrations' term provided in 300$b (Other physical details)

<!– Id=20080073–> 008/18: Ills needs code 'b'     (AACR and RDA)
008/18-21 (Illustrations) should contain code 'b' (Maps) to mirror the 'map' or 'maps' term provided in 300$b (Other physical details)

<!– Id=20080074–> 008/18: Ills needs code 'c'     (AACR and RDA)
008/18-21 (Illustrations) should contain code 'c' (Portraits) to mirror the 'port.', 'ports.', 'portrait', or 'portraits' term provided in 300$b (Other physical details)

<!– Id=20080075–> 008/18: Ills needs code 'd'     (AACR and RDA)
008/18-21 (Illustrations) should contain code 'c' (Charts) to mirror the 'chart' or 'charts' term provided in 300$b (Other physical details)

<!– Id=20080076–> 008/18: Ills needs code 'e'     (AACR and RDA)
008/18-21 (Illustrations) should contain code 'e' (Plans) to mirror the 'plan' or 'plans' term provided in 300$b (Other physical details)

<!– Id=20080077–> 008/18: Ills needs code 'g'     (AACR and RDA)
008/18-21 (Illustrations) should contain code 'g' (Music) to mirror the 'music' term provided in 300$b (Other physical details)

<!– Id=20080078–> 008/18: Ills needs code 'h'     (AACR and RDA)
008/18-21 (Illustrations) should contain code 'h' (Facsimiles) to mirror the 'facsim.', 'facsims.', 'facsimile', or 'facsimiles' term provided in 300$b (Other physical details)

<!– Id=20080079–> 008/18: Ills needs code 'i'     (AACR and RDA)
008/18-21 (Illustrations) should contain code 'i' (Coats of arms) to mirror the 'coat of arms' or 'coats of arms' term provided in 300$b (Other physical details)

<!– Id=20080080–> 008/18: Ills needs code 'j'     (AACR and RDA)
008/18-21 (Illustrations) should contain code 'j' (Genealogical tables) to mirror the 'geneal. table', 'geneal. tables', 'genealogical table', or 'genealogical tables' term provided in 300$b (Other physical details)

<!– Id=20080081–> 008/18: Ills needs code 'k'     (AACR and RDA)
008/18-21 (Illustrations) should contain code 'k' (Forms) to mirror the 'form' or 'forms' term provided in 300$b (Other physical details)

<!– Id=20080082–> 008/18: Ills needs code 'l'     (AACR and RDA)
008/18-21 (Illustrations) should contain code 'l' (Sample) to mirror the 'sample' or 'samples' term provided in 300$b (Other physical details)

<!– Id=20080083–> 008/18: Ills needs code 'o'     (AACR and RDA)
008/18-21 (Illustrations) should contain code 'o' (photographs) to mirror the 'photo.', 'photos.', 'photograph', or 'photographs' term provided in 300$b (Other physical details)

<!– Id=20080084–> 008/18: Ills needs code 'p'     (AACR and RDA)
008/18-21 (Illustrations) should contain code 'p' (illuminations) to mirror the 'illumination' or 'illuminations' term provided in 300$b (Other physical details)

<!– Id=20410005–> 041: Explain mult. lang. codes in 546     (AACR and RDA)
041 (Language code) contains multiple language codes in either $a (Language code of text/sound track or separate title) or $d (Language code of sung or spoken text), so a 546 (Language note) is needed to explain the multiple languages of the content of the resource, in human-readable form.

<!– Id=20500003–> %t: Subf $b does not match 264$c     (AACR and RDA)
When the LC Call Number (050, or Local 090) contains a date (YYYY) in subfield $b, it should match the date of publication or date of production in 264 $c. Exceptions to this are Conference proceedings, and the Date of Situation for maps. Note that this check permits a variance of +/- one year between the dates being compared.

<!– Id=21000004–> 100: Editor must be coded 700     (AACR and RDA)
100 (Main entry - Personal Name) subfield $e (Relator term) contains ‘editor’; an editor relationship is not allowed in a 100; move the name of the editor to a 700 (Added entry - Personal Name) and change the first indicator of the 245 to ‘0’ (Title main entry)

<!– Id=22640074–> 264: _1 infer $c from 264_4 $c     (AACR and RDA)
264 Indicator 2 = 1 subfield $c (Date of publication) contains '[date of publication not identified]', but a date of publication may be inferred from the existing 264 _4 $c (Copyright date) present in the record. Enter the copyright date as the supplied publication date, i.e., in square brackets, as long as it seems reasonable as a probable publication date.

<!– Id=22640075–> 264: _1 cpyRt date belongs in 264 _4     (AACR and RDA)
264 Indicator 2 = 1 subfield $c (Publication date) contains what appears to be a copyright date. If that date is indeed a copyright date, move it to 264_4$c; if it is not meant to be a copyright date, then enter the date as either a publication date (remove the symbol, abbreviation, or term) or as a supplied publication date (remove the symbol, etc., and enclose the date in square brackets).

<!– Id=22640076–> 264: _2 cpyRt date belongs in 264 _4     (AACR and RDA)
264 Indicator 2 = 2 subfield $c (Distribution date) contains what appears to be a copyright date. If that date is indeed a copyright date, move it to 264_4$c; if it is not meant to be a copyright date, then enter the date as either a distribution date (remove the symbol, abbreviation, or term) or as a supplied distribution date (remove the symbol, etc., and enclose the date in square brackets).

<!– Id=22640077–> 264: _3 cpyRt date belongs in 264 _4     (AACR and RDA)
264 Indicator 2 = 3 subfield $c (Manufacture date) contains what appears to be a copyright date. If that date is indeed a copyright date, move it to 264_4$c; if it is not meant to be a copyright date, then enter the date as either a manufacture date (remove the symbol, abbreviation, or term) or as a supplied manufacture date (remove the symbol, etc., and enclose the date in square brackets).

<!– Id=22640078–> 264: _0 $c probable date needs '[ ]'     (AACR and RDA)
264 Indicator 2 = 0 subfield $c (Production date) contains a question mark, so the date must be enclosed in square brackets ( [ ] ) as a supplied date.

<!– Id=22640079–> 264: _1 $c probable date needs '[ ]'     (AACR and RDA)
264 Indicator 2 = 1 subfield $c (Publication date) contains a question mark, so the date must be enclosed in square brackets ( [ ] ) as a supplied date.

<!– Id=22640080–> 264: _2 $c probable date needs '[ ]'     (AACR and RDA)
264 Indicator 2 = 2 subfield $c (Distribution date) contains a question mark, so the date must be enclosed in square brackets ( [ ] ) as a supplied date.

<!– Id=22640081–> 264: _3 $c probable date needs '[ ]'     (AACR and RDA)
264 Indicator 2 = 3 subfield $c (Manufacture date) contains a question mark, so the date must be enclosed in square brackets ( [ ] ) as a supplied date.

<!– Id=22640082–> 264: $c date is incomplete     (AACR and RDA)
264 subfield $c (Production/Publication/Distribution/Manufacture/Copyright date) contains what appears to be an incomplete date–a '?' is found where a number was expected. Enter a correctly formatted supplied date as per RDA 1.9.2

<!– Id=22640083–> 264: _1 $b contains a distributor     (AACR and RDA)
264 Indicator 2 = 1 subfield $b (Publisher name) contains a distribution statement (e.g., “Distributed by”); unless that statement is an integral part of the publication statement (e.g., “Published and distributed by”) move that statement to the field that is specified for the distribution of a resource: 264 Indicator 2 = 2.

<!– Id=22640084–> 264: _0 No abbrev. when in [ ] in $a     (AACR and RDA)
264 subfield $a (Place of production) contains an abbreviation for a supplied place name–in square brackets (e.g., Paris [TX] or [Paris, TX]; spell out abbreviations in ‘supplied’ data (given in square brackets)

<!– Id=22640085–> 264: _1 No abbrev. when in [ ] in $a     (AACR and RDA)
264 subfield $a (Place of publication) contains an abbreviation for a supplied place name–in square brackets (e.g., Paris [TX] or [Paris, TX]; spell out abbreviations in ‘supplied’ data (given in square brackets)

<!– Id=22640086–> 264: _2 No abbrev. when in [ ] in $a     (AACR and RDA)
264 subfield $a (Place of distribution) contains an abbreviation for a supplied place name–in square brackets (e.g., Paris [TX] or [Paris, TX]; spell out abbreviations in ‘supplied’ data (given in square brackets)

<!– Id=22640087–> 264: _3 No abbrev. when in [ ] in $a     (AACR and RDA)
264 subfield $a (Place of manufacture) contains an abbreviation for a supplied place name–in square brackets (e.g., Paris [TX] or [Paris, TX]; spell out abbreviations in ‘supplied’ data (given in square brackets)

<!– Id=23000049–> 300: $a use 'unnumbered' not '[ ]'     (AACR and RDA)
300 subfield $a (Extent): under RDA, we do not use square brackets to indicate the number of unnumbered pages in a resource (e.g., [8] pages); use the term ‘unnumbered’ instead (e.g., 8 unnumbered pages)—see for more examples.

Deleted checks

<!– Id=20000048–> 000/18: 'c' shld be 'a'? (DRS=A)     (AACR Only)
000/18 (Descriptive cataloging form) is coded 'c' (ISBD punctuation omitted), but your DRS (Descriptive Rules Support) setting is AACR Only, so this position should be coded 'a' (AACR 2).

Modified Flags

<!– Id=20080048–> 008/18: Ills needs code       Flag changed to: None       Flag was: AACR and RDA
008/18-21 (Illustrations) needs an appropriate code or codes to correspond to the illustrations information provided in 300$b (Other physical details)

<!– Id=23000041–> 300: $b needs portrait info       Flag changed to: AACR Only       Flag was: None
300 subfield $b (Other physical details) needs 'port.' or 'ports.' (pure AACR) or 'portrait' or 'portraits' (Hybrid AACR), since 008/18-21 (Illustrations) is coded 'c' (Portraits). Check the item and either provide 300$b details, or change the 008 Illustrations coding to blanks.

<!– Id=32455994–> 245: $c punct. is '/$c'       Flag changed to: None       Flag was: AACR and RDA
245 subfield $c (Statement of responsibility, etc.) must be preceded by a space-forward slash (#/$c)–as per ISBD

<!– Id=32456105–> 245: $n punct. must be '.'       Flag changed to: None       Flag was: AACR and RDA
245 subfield $n (Numbered part) must always be preceded by a period–as per ISBD [replaced by #32450502 in v242]

<!– Id=32456106–> 245: $n punct. after $p       Flag changed to: None       Flag was: AACR and RDA
245 subfield $n (Numbered part) must be preceded by a comma or a period when it follows subfield $p (Named part)–as per ISBD. [to be deleted v243]

Modified Brief Messages

<!– Id=20000019–> 000/06: Might not match 300 $a     (AACR and RDA)       Message changed from: 000/06: Does not match 300 $a
000/06 (Type of record) might not match 300$a (or the 300$a might be entered incorrectly; see AACR 2.5). Type could be coded 'a' for printed or 't' for manuscript language material to match the type of material described in the 300$a, except in rare cases (e.g., kits).

<!– Id=20000020–> 000/06: Might not match 300 $a     (AACR and RDA)       Message changed from: 000/06: Does not match 300 $a
000/06 (Type of record) might not match 300$a (or the 300$a might be entered incorrectly; see AACR 2.5). Type could be coded 'e' or 'f' for cartographic or 'f' for manuscript cartographic materials to match the 300$a, except in rare cases (e.g., kits).

<!– Id=20000021–> 000/06: Might not match 300 $a     (AACR and RDA)       Message changed from: 000/06: Does not match 300 $a
000/06 (Type of record) might not match 300$a (or the 300$a might be entered incorrectly; see AACR 2.5). Type could be coded 'c' for printed or 'd' for manuscript music materials to match the 300$a, except in rare cases.

<!– Id=20000022–> 000/06: Might not match 300 $a     (AACR and RDA)       Message changed from: 000/06: Does not match 300 $a
000/06 (Type of record) might not match 300$a (or the 300$a might be entered incorrectly; see AACR 2.5). Type could be coded 'i' for non-musical or 'j' for musical sound recordings to match the 300$a, except in rare cases (e.g., kits)

<!– Id=20000023–> 000/06: Might not match 300 $a     (AACR and RDA)       Message changed from: 000/06: Does not match 300 $a
000/06 (Type of record) might not match 300$a (or the 300$a might be entered incorrectly; see AACR 2.5). Type could be coded 'g' for projected medium to match the 300$a, except in rare cases (e.g., kits).

<!– Id=20000024–> 000/06: Might not match 300 $a     (AACR and RDA)       Message changed from: 000/06: Does not match 300 $a
000/06 (Type of record) might not match 300$a (or the 300$a might be entered incorrectly; see AACR 2.5). Type could be coded 'r' for artifacts or naturally occurring objects to match the 300$a, except in rare cases (e.g., kits).

<!– Id=20000025–> 000/06: Might not match 300 $a     (AACR and RDA)       Message changed from: 000/06: Does not match 300 $a
000/06 (Type of record) might not match 300$a (or the 300$a might be entered incorrectly; see AACR 2.5). Type could be coded 'k' for two-dimensional nonprojectable graphical materials to match the 300$a, except in rare cases (e.g., kits).

<!– Id=20410001–> 041: first Lang code must match 008     (AACR and RDA)       Message changed from: 041: 1st subf. match 008Lang
If there is a language code in 008/35-37, it imust be entered as the first code in subfields $a or $d (for sound recordings) of field 041. If the item is multilingual with no predominant language, the 008/35-37 should be coded 'mul'. Note: this is a complex topic; see this link for complete details:

<!– Id=22640012–> 264: _4 Copyright needs ©date     (AACR and RDA)       Message changed from: 264: _4 Copyright notice needs ©date
264 Indicator 2 = 4 (Copyright notice date) requires a copyright date (preceded by 'copyright' or 'phonogram' or © or the 'phonogram symbol') in subfield $c (Date)

<!– Id=22640064–> 264: Subfield order may be incorrect     (AACR and RDA)       Message changed from: 264: Subfield order incorrect
264 (Production, etc.) contains subfield $a, $b, $c, but they are not in the correct order. These subfields should be entered in $a $b $c order (Place : Name, Date), unless one or more of the subfields are repeated.

<!– Id=31004001–> %t: Need ',' or '-' before Subf $e     (AACR and RDA)       Message changed from: %t: Need comma before Subf $e
%t: Subfield $e, relator term, should always be preceded by a comma, unless it is preceded by an open date (ending in a hyphen) in subfield $d.

<!– Id=32450101–> 245: $b punct is ':' '=' ';'     (AACR and RDA)       Message changed from: %t: Subf $b punct is ':' '=' ';'
In the 245 (Title) field, subfield $b is always preceded by either i) a colon (indicating other title information), ii) an equals sign (indicating a parallel title), or iii) a semi-colon (indicating title(s) subsequent to the first).

<!– Id=32450103–> 245: $b usually follows $n/$p     (AACR and RDA)       Message changed from: 245: $b is after $n$p
245 subfield $b (Remainder of title) is normally entered after the entire title proper ($a$n$p). In rare cases a subtitle might apply to a common title ($a); in that case the subtitle should be entered in a 500 note (LCRI 1.1E5).

<!– Id=32450201–> 245: $c punct. is '/'     (AACR and RDA)       Message changed from: %t: Subf $c punct. is '/'
In the 245 (Title) field, subfield $c (statement of responsibility) must be preceded by a slash.

<!– Id=32450301–> 245: No punct. before subf $h     (AACR and RDA)       Message changed from: %t: No punct. before Subf $h
In the 245 (Title) field, subfield $h (medium, or GMD) should immediately follow the title proper ($a $n $p) without intervening punctuation, unless the title proper itself ends in punctuation (eg. an abbreviation, exclamation mark, etc.)

<!– Id=32450501–> 245: $p punct. should be '.' or ','     (AACR and RDA)       Message changed from: %t: Subf $p punct. is ','
245 subfield $p (Named part) can be preceded either by a comma (if $p contains a title for the preceding numbered part) or a period (if $p contains a the title for another part)–as per ISBD. In general, $p is usually preceded by a comma when it follows subfield $n

<!– Id=32450502–> 245: $n punct. must be '.'     (AACR and RDA)       Message changed from: %t: Subf $n punct. is '.'
ISBD punctuation says that in the 245 (Title) field, subfield $n (numbered part) must always be preceded by a period.

<!– Id=32450503–> 245: $p punct is '.' when repeated     (AACR and RDA)       Message changed from: %t: Second subf $p punct is '.'
ISBD punctuation says that in the 245 (Title) field, subfield $p (named part) is always preceded by a period when it follows another subfield $p.

<!– Id=32456048–> 245: $h punct. must be '[]'     (AACR and RDA)       Message changed from: %t: Subf $h punct. must be '[]'
245 $h: the GMD should be enclosed in square brackets in ISBD punctuation. Note: although $h is valid in headings in MARC21, OCLC says, and it is generally accepted, that we are not supposed to add GMDs to any field except 245.

<!– Id=32456126–> 245: $p punct. might be '.' or ','     (AACR and RDA)       Message changed from: 245: $p punct. after $n
245 subfield $p (Named part) may be preceded by either a comma (when the title of a preceding numbered part) or a period (when the title of another part) when it follows subfield $n (numbered part). The program cannot determine which punct. is correct. If you do not wish to see this message again, right-click on the brief message in the list above and select 'Cancel message–for all sessions'.

<!– Id=43380007–> 338: Need 'rdacarrier' in $2     (AACR and RDA)       Message changed from: 338: Need in 'rdacarrier' in $2
In field 338 (Carrier Type), when using RDA valuelists in subfields $a (Carrier type term) and/or $b (Carrier type code), Subf $2 (Source code) must be set to 'rdacarrier'. Code subf $2 'rdacontent' only in field 336, and 'rdamedia' only in field 337.

Modified Notes

<!– Id=20080051–> 300: $b needs map info     (AACR and RDA)       Note changed
To: 300 subfield $b (Other physical details) needs 'map' or 'maps', since 008/18-21 (Illustrations) is coded 'b' (Maps). Check the item and either provide 300$b details, or remove 'b' from 008/18-21.
From: 300 subfield $b (Other physical details) needs 'map' or 'maps', since 008/18-21 (Illustrations) is coded 'b' (Maps). Check the item and either provide 300$b details, or change the 008 Illustrations coding to blanks.

<!– Id=20080067–> 008/35: Use '|||' if non-MARC     (AACR and RDA)       Note changed
To: 008/35-37 (Language code) must contain fill characters (|||) when the 041 indicates that a non-MARC code is being used to express the predominant language in an item (that is, when I2=7 and subf $2 is present).
From: 008/35-37 (Language code) must contain with fill characters (|||) when the 041 indicates that a non-MARC code is being used to express the predominant language in an item (when I2=7 and subf $2 is present).

<!– Id=20500002–> %t: Subf $b does not match 260$c     (AACR and RDA)       Note changed
To: When the LC Call Number (050, or Local 090) contains a date (YYYY) in subfield $b, it should match the date of publication in 260 $c. Exceptions to this are Conference proceedings, and the Date of Situation for maps. Note that this check permits a variance of +/- one year between the dates being compared.
From: When the LC Call Number (050, or Local 090) contains a date in subfield $b, it should match the date of publication in 260 $c. Exceptions to this are Conference proceedings, and the Date of Situation for maps.

<!– Id=22600008–> 260: $a <> 008 Ctry     (AACR and RDA)       Note changed
To: 260 subfield $a (Place of publication, etc.) does not match 008/15 (Ctry code). If you think this message is in error, please check the Country Code/Placename table (ctryplace.txt) found in the lists subdirectory of your MarcReport options folder. For customization info, see:
From: 260 subfield $a (Place of publication, etc.) does not match 008/15 (Ctry code). If you think this message is in error, please check the Country Code/Placename table (ctryplace.txt) found in the lists subdirectory of your MarcReport options folder. For customization info, see:

<!– Id=22640009–> 264: _2 $c move CopyRt date to I2=4     (AACR and RDA)       Note changed
To: 264 Indicator 2 = 2 subfield $c (Distribution date) contains an added copyright date (preceded by 'copyright' or 'phonogram,' or © or the phonogram symbol, or 'c' or 'p'); move the copyright date to a separate 264 Indicator 2 = 4 (Copyright notice date), preceded by either © or 'phonogram' or 'copyright'
From: 264 Indicator 2 = 2 subfield $c (Distributor date) contains a copyright date (preceded by 'copyright' or 'phonogram', or © or the phonogram symbol, or 'c' or 'p'); delete the copyright date, or (optionally) move it to 264 Indicator 2 = 4 (Copyright notice date), preceded by either © or 'phonogram' or 'copyright'

<!– Id=22640011–> 264: _4 Copyright notice needs $c     (AACR and RDA)       Note changed
To: 264 Indicator 2 = 4 (Copyright notice date) requires a subfield $c (Date), with a copyright date (preceded by 'copyright' or 'phonogram' or © or the 'phonogram symbol')
From: 264 Indicator 2 = 4 (Copyright notice date) requires a subfield $c (Date), with a copyright date (preceded by 'copyright' or 'phonogram' or © or 'phonogram symbol')

<!– Id=22640013–> 264: _4 Copyright must have $c only     (AACR and RDA)       Note changed
To: 264 Indicator 2 = 4 (Copyright notice date) can only contain a subfield $c (Date), with a copyright date (preceded by 'copyright' or 'phonogram' or © or the 'phonogram symbol')
From: 264 Indicator 2 = 4 (Copyright notice date) can only contain a subfield $c (Date), with a copyright date (preceded by 'copyright' or 'phonogram' or © or 'phonogram symbol')

<!– Id=22640055–> 264: _0 $a Place <> 008 Ctry code     (AACR and RDA)       Note changed
To: 264 Indicator 2 = 0 subfield $a (Place) does not match 008/15 (Ctry code). If you think this message is in error, please check the Country Code/Placename table (ctryplace.txt) found in the lists subdirectory of your MarcReport options folder. For customization info, see:
From: 264 Indicator 2 = 0 subfield $a (Place) does not match 008/15 (Ctry code). If you think this message is in error, please check the Country Code/Placename table (ctryplace.txt) found in the lists subdirectory of your MarcReport options folder. For customization info, see:

<!– Id=22640067–> 264: _4 fix Copyright symbol     (AACR and RDA)       Note changed
To: 264 Indicator 2 = 4 (Copyright notice date) subfield $c (Date) requires the copyright date to be preceded by 'copyright' or 'phonogram' or © or the 'phonogram symbol'.
From: 264 Indicator 2 = 4 (Copyright notice date) subfield $c (Date) requires the copyright date to be preceded by 'copyright' or 'phonogram' or © or 'phonogram symbol'.

<!– Id=22640068–> 264: _1 $c Guess pub from cpyRt date     (AACR and RDA)       Note changed
To: 264 Indicator 2 = 1 subfield $c (Publication date) contains only a copyright date (preceded by 'copyright' or 'phonogram', or © or the phonogram symbol, or 'c' or 'p'); guess the publication date from the copyright date, and (optionally) add the copyright date again in a separate 264 Indicator 2 = 4 (Copyright notice date), preceded by 'copyright' or 'phonogram' or © or the 'phonogram symbol'.
From: 264 Indicator 2 = 1 subfield $c (Publication date) contains only a copyright date (preceded by 'copyright' or 'phonogram', or © or the phonogram symbol, or 'c' or 'p'); guess the publication date from the copyright date, and (optionally) add the copyright date again in a separate 264 Indicator 2 = 4 (Copyright notice date), preceded by 'copyright' or 'phonogram' or © or 'phonogram symbol'.

<!– Id=22640070–> 264: _0 $c guess ProdDate from cpyRt     (AACR and RDA)       Note changed
To: 264 Indicator 2 = 0 subfield $c (Production date) contains only a copyright date (preceded by 'copyright' or 'phonogram', or © or the phonogram symbol, or 'c' or 'p'); guess the production date from the copyright date, and (optionally) add the copyright date again in a separate 264 Indicator 2 = 4 (Copyright notice date), preceded by 'copyright' or 'phonogram' or © or the 'phonogram symbol'.
From: 264 Indicator 2 = 0 subfield $c (Production date) contains only a copyright date (preceded by 'copyright' or 'phonogram', or © or the phonogram symbol, or 'c' or 'p'); guess the production date from the copyright date, and (optionally) add the copyright date again in a separate 264 Indicator 2 = 4 (Copyright notice date), preceded by 'copyright' or 'phonogram' or © or 'phonogram symbol'.

<!– Id=22640073–> 264: _4 needs Phonogram date     (AACR and RDA)       Note changed
To: 264 Indicator 2 = 4 subfield $c (Copyright notice date) should contain a phonogram copyright date (preceded by 'phonogram' or the phonogram symbol) if one is available–as this resource appears to describe sound content (as indicated by the 336). If no phonogram date is available, then a regular copyright date may be entered instead.
From: 264 Indicator 2 = 4 (Copyright notice date) subfield $c should contain a phonogram copyright date (preceded by 'phonogram' or the phonogram symbol) if one is available. If no phonogram date is available, then a regular copyright date can be entered instead.

<!– Id=23000001–> 300: $b missing?     (AACR and RDA)       Note changed
To: 300 subfield $b (Other physical details) needs Illustrations information, since 008/18-21 (Illustrations) contains a code. Check the item and either provide appropriate terms in the 300 $b or change the coding in 008/18-21 to blanks.
From: 300 subfield $b (Other physical details) needs illustrations information, since 008/18-21 (Illustrations) contains a code. Check the item and either provide 300 $b details or change the coding in 008/18-21 to blanks.

<!– Id=23000025–> 300: $a probable CIP record     (AACR and RDA)       Note changed
To: 300 subfield $a (Extent) contains 'p. cm', 'pages cm', 'v. cm', or 'volumes cm', so this record needs CIP upgrading. Find the item; check all fields for accuracy; add a physical description; delete 263 if present; change Rec Stat to 'p' and Enc Lvl to your level; add your institution code as 040$d.
From: 300 subfield $a (Extent) contains 'p. cm' or 'pages cm', so this record needs CIP upgrading. Find the item; check all fields for accuracy; add physical description; delete 263 if present; change Rec stat to 'p' and Enc lvl to your level; add your institution code as 040$d.

<!– Id=23000028–> 300: $a really still CIP?     (AACR and RDA)       Note changed
To: 300 subfield $a (Extent) does not contain 'p. cm', 'pages cm', 'v. cm', or 'volumes cm', but 000/17 (Leader/Encoding level) is '8' (CIP), so this record might still need CIP upgrading. Find the item; check all fields for accuracy; add carrier info.; delete 263; change Rec Stat to 'p' and Enc Lvl to your level; add your institution code as 040$d.
From: 300 subfield $a (Extent) does not contain 'p. cm' or 'pages cm', but 000/17 (Leader/Encoding level) is '8' (CIP), so this record might still need CIP upgrading. Find the item; check all fields for accuracy; add phys. desc. info.; delete 263; change Rec stat to 'p' and Enc lvl to your level; add your institution code as 040$d.

<!– Id=43360001–> 336: Field is required in RDA     (RDA Only)       Note changed
To: 336 (Content type) must be present in an RDA record. Press <Insert>, add the 336 tag, then <Tab> over to the data column and select the correct Content type for your resource from the list that appears. Alternately, you may press <F10> and the program will automatically generate the 336, 337 and 338 fields.
From: 336 (Content type) must be present in an RDA record. Add an 336 tag, then press for a list of applicable RDA values, and add the appropriate value(s) in either subfield $a (Content type term) or subfield $b (content type code), and end the field with subfield $2 (source) 'rdacontent'

<!– Id=43370001–> 337: Field is required in RDA     (RDA Only)       Note changed
To: 337 (Media type) must be present in an RDA record. Press <Insert>, add the 337 tag, then <Tab> over to the data column and select the correct Media type for your resource from the list that appears. Alternately, you may press <F10> and the program will automatically generate the 336, 337 and 338 fields.
From: 337 (Media type) must be present in an RDA record. Add an 337 tag, then press for a list of applicable RDA values, and add the appropriate value(s) in either subfield $a (Media type term) or subfield $b (Media type code), and end the field with subfield $2 (source) 'rdamedia'.

<!– Id=43380001–> 338: Field is required in RDA     (RDA Only)       Note changed
To: 338 (Carrier type) must be present in an RDA record. Press <Insert>, add the 338 tag, then <Tab> over to the data column and select the correct Carrier type for your resource from the list that appears. Alternately, you may press <F10> and the program will automatically generate the 336, 337 and 338 fields.
From: 338 (Carrier type) must be present in an RDA record. Press for a list of applicable RDA values, and add the appropriate value(s) in either subfield $a (Carrier type term) or subfield $b (Carrier type code), and end the field with subfield $2 (source) 'rdacarrier'.